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Carrying Angel on Jet's back, he cautiously follows Keoki's lead down the steep hillside. Keoki looks back at everyone, "Is everyone doing alright? We're almost there we just have to get to the cliff and then walk along it to the Bridge below." He softly says as he points ahead of them. Everyone nods there heads in agreement. Keoki smiles at Karlyn as he turns his head back forward, she grins at him. Lana and Redrick steadily walking side-by-side each other at the back, "Redrick, do you have something to eat in you're bag?" 

He nods his head as he digs into his bag while walking. "I have a granola bar?" She quickly nods her head as she squeals in anticipation. Holding the bar in front of her face she snatches it from his hand and begins devouring it. He begins chuckling to himself, his eyes widen in fear as he loses his footing for a split second before hes sent tumbling down the hillside. "Redrick!" Lana screams out his name out in horror. Karlyn and Jet see him tumble down past them, Karlyn quickly raises her hands towards the dirt. 

A large hand bursts from the dirt reaching out for him, but misses. Jet then see's the steep hill end further down into the river. "There's a drop!" Jet screams aloud to warn everyone, Karlyn and Lana gasp as they hear Redrick crying out in pain. Lana begins running down after him with Karlyn, Jet tries to take a few quick steps but stop's when he realizes Angel still on his back. 

Redrick groans out in pain as he slams into a tree and continues rolling. Lana leaps over a root, but she hits it with the tip of her foot. She slams face first to the ground and begins rolling down as well. Lana barely sees Karlyn in front of her and does her best to avoid hitting her but she rams into the back of Karlyn, she gasps as shes taken down by Lana. Both of them now tumbling and ramming into everything on the way down. 

"Kaitlyn!" Keoki screams out in horror as he tries to rescue her and the others, Keoki slams his palm against a thick tree trunk.

Redrick see's the drop too late, he gasp's as he rolls over the side of the cliff. Closing his eyes he feels something wrap around him. Opening his eyes he see's a tree root wrapped his waist. Looking to his left Redrick see's the Bridge of Hallows. Laughing to himself he fist pumps the air, he then hears Lana screaming. "Lana?" He curiously say's aloud. He suddenly see's Lana roll over the drop, his eyes widen as he reaches out for her and grabs his hand. Swinging below him, Lana looks up at him gasping loudly. A smile slowly forms at the corner of her lips, "Hey." 

"Redrick! Lana! Catch her!" Keoki screams at the top of his lungs. Lana and Redrick look above them to see Karlyn roll over the side. Redrick reaches out for her, there finger tips barely grazing each other. Lana catches her in her arms, the catch jolts Redrick down cracking the root. Karlyn gulps loudly as she looks down at the river. "Nice catch, Lana. I thought I was gonna fall, thanks." Karlyn says smiling at her. 

"It's no problem. I kinda owe you one after you saved us." Lana says smiling bright at her. "Karlyn? Redrick? Are you guy's alright?" Keoki calls out for them. Keoki cautiously makes his way down to the drop. "We're all safe!" Karlyn shouts back at him. Keoki lets out a sigh of relief as he continues walking down to the drop. Glancing back at Jet he see's him slowly making his way down. "Okay, so we're all good. Good." Keoki says to himself contently. Stepping up to the drop he looks over the cliff and see's them hanging there. Redrick glances up and see's Keoki standing there. 

"Could you get us out of this? My arm is giving out!" Redrick shouts as he struggles to hold up the girls. Keoki quickly slams his hand on to the ground, roots slither out of the ground near Lana and Karlyn. "Redrick, swing Lana and Karlyn over by those roots. There gonna jump." Redrick nods his head as he begins swinging them back and forth. 

 "One...two....three!" Redrick shouts as he lets go of Lana and Karlyn. They both swiftly reach out for the roots and successfully grab them. "Great, now jus-!" Keoki is cut off at the sound of Jet screaming. Turning around quickly he see's Jet grabbing onto Angel as their soaring through the air in a cloud of smoke. Smacking into a tree, Jet tumbles to the ground and lands on his back and Angel on his stomach. Keoki runs to his side, "Jet!? Are you alright?" 

✟  ✟Book 2: Black Hearts: Redemption  ✟  ✟Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu