Chapter Forty-Three: Sacrifice pt. 2

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Lyla and Dorian anxiously watch as the Angels slowly lift off the ground, their colorful wings flapping around the dust in the air.

"You form the perimeter around them and I'll keep it safe. Stay in it with them and don't come out until their back." Dorian says as he takes a step in front of her. Lyla nods her head and jogs back to Ford.

Lyla puts her back to the two forms beginning to separate and extends her arms out to her sides. A purple must begins to seep out of her pores all around her body. It begins to glide across the ground around her and Ford.

Dorian stands in front of the shield of poison and speeds towards the White Angel, tackling her out the way. Dorian runs back and kicks the Red Angel out the way before upper cutting the Pink Angel into the air. The Yellow Angel barrel rolls out the way of Dorians attack. He sees Dorian coming back, a vine breaks through the ground to grab Dorian. Dorian sees it and leaps up over it and kicks the Yellow Angel with both feet, hurling him back.

As Dorian's about to stand the vine breaks through the ground and wraps around his waist, trapping his arms under the vine as well.


"Stay in the poison! Don't come out until they are back!" Dorian screams at her. Suddenly the ground opens up, sucking him and the vine back in, leaving a small hole.

Lyla looks back and sees the two nearly about to free apart. She leaps out of the poison and runs to the hole, she looks down and calls out for Dorian.

"Dorian! Answer me!"

She suddenly hears his painful screams as the ground cracks around the hole. Bright flashes of red light illuminate out the hole, Lyla sees the Red Angel staring Dorian in the face surrounded by fire and lava coming down the walls.

"Oh god."

Dorian looks up and sees Lyla staring down at him in shock. "Run! Get away from here!"

"I can help you!" Lyla opens her mouth to let out a psionic blast.

"Don't do that! You'll only end up getting yourself killed! Go back into the poison!" Dorian screams at her. He immediately clenches his teeth to try to hold back the pain from some lava spewing on his back.

Lyla turns back and runs back into the poison.

She sees Akio and Manny already getting back up. She smiles and hugs them both, "We need to help Dor-!" She gets cut off when an explosion occurs behind them. There eyes widen in fear as they run out the poison to see dust and rocks blowing in every direction from where Dorian was.

As the dust and smoke disperses they sees a large spike coming out from the hole. A large crack breaks through the side of the spike. Lyla runs to it and peers in, she gasps when she sees Dorian laying on a rock with the Red Angel surrounded by lava. He rolls the Angel into the lava, it melts away.

Lyla then sees Dorian with no arms and a large hole in his chest. Blood gushes out his wounds, a pool of it forming around his body.

"I won't be able to come back from this. I'm sorry...I failed you." Dorian says as he struggles to stand.

"No! We can save you! We'll just break away this spike and get you out." Lyla says as she smiles at him. The rock begins to melt away, Dorian looks down and sees it. He smirks as he shakes his head. Dorian looks back up at Lyla.

"You won't make it in time. I know it's hard for you to lose people. But your gonna have to be strong Lyla." Dorian says before coughing up blood everywhere. He falls to his knees, blood rushing down his chin and chest.

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