✟ Chapter Twenty-Two: Closed Doors ✟

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            Jet, Angel, Charel, Lana, Redrick, Karlyn, Keoki and Riley step out onto the training field in gray skin tight suits. 

"Why do we have to wear these skin tight clothes to train? Its uncomfortable!" Riley cries out as he tries to pull some of the fabric from his skin. 

"It helps us move around better, plus it won't hurt so bad if we get hit with an attack. It might just save your life." Angel says as he pops his knuckles. 

         Charel, Lana and Redrick look around the field to see it looking similar to the one they had in the American Facility. Except this one had a river flowing through the middle and a few rocky hills along the edge with a shit ton of trees on the field. 

"This place is massive. We could definitely have some fun in here." Redrick exclaims as he stretches his arms out in the arm. 

"So whats the first thing we start do?" Riley asks as he glances at Jet and Angel. 

"We should just try and go over our weaknesses and strengths with each other. We already know each others abilities, except for Angel and Riley; you two will watch as we go over them." Jet says as everyone nods their heads. 

         Everyone except Riley and Angel get into a line facing an empty wall. 

        Keoki slams his hands on the ground, suddenly a few feet in front of them the ground crumbles apart. The ground cracks as clones of Keoki crawl from out of the ground. 

       The few dozen clones stand in a line. 

"We will be using them as our targets. So you don't need to hold back." Keoki says as he stands back up. 

"Alright then! Les do this!" Jet cries out. 

           Lyla's team and the Protectors watch from a clear glass room overhead, completely out of sight of everyone on the field. They all take a seat and watch the training commence. 

"Do you think they'll be ready in time?" Lyla ask's Judah. He stares straight at Jet's team, who are using their abilities. 

"I'm not sure, but regardless if they are or not we need them on that battlefield. Those two are our chance of winning this thing right now." Judah says as he folds his hand over one another. 

"Have you heard anything from the others in Heaven about Brian and Joan?" Dorian curiously ask's him. 

        Judah nods his head, "One of our own saw a glimpse of them trying to sneak around the fighting. He tried to pursuit but failed to find them. He lost sight of them. But he thinks he knows where their going." Judah says as he lets out a sigh. 

"Are you going to happen to mention this to Angel and Jet?" Dorian curiously asks as he glances down at Angel. 

"Negative. We can't distract them with this little tid bit of information." Lars says as he adjusts his crotch area. Lyla frowns in confusion. 

"By them not knowing anything is distracting them. That's stupid and rude of you to not say anything to them. For all you know, it could give them the boost they need." Lyla says as she glances at Lars. He shakes his head. Manny quickly changes the subject before it gets more intense. 

"Hows the situation going their anyways?" Manny asks.

"It's not good. Our soldiers are a little overwhelmed, but their all managing. It's weird." Judah says as he slightly frowns. 

        Souxie sniffles a little as she stands up and leans agaisnt the glass, "What's weird?"

"Time up in Heaven is completely different than it is here." 

        Lyla and her team frown in confusion as they glance at him. "What are you talking about?" Souxie curiously asks him. 

"It takes 24 hours for a day to pass by here on Earth, but in Heaven, time is nonexistent. No matter how long your up there, whether it be days, months or years. It would only seem like mere hours up there." Judah says without even batting an eye. 

"Hows that even possible?" Akio anxiously ask's. 

"God. He's the one that made it possible. Its just the way it is."

            Lyla turns in her chair to face Judah, "Judah, I'm curious about a few things. What happens to the people in Heaven that are killed?" 

          Everyone turns to listen intently, also just as curious to know. 

"They are reborn into whatever it is God has in store for them. Whether it be an animal or human or anything in between. I can't say I know for certain." Judah says before sipping on a cup of coffee. 

"Who will face God when the times come?" Lyla bluntly asks. Everyone stiffens a bit when she mentions his name. Judah sighs as he looks down at his hands. 

"We will all together. There's no possible way someone could take him on alone. I'm sure he's too powerful." Judah chuckles as he looks back up at the others training. He sees Jet trying to hit Angel, but he blocks each punch swiftly. 

"Do we know what or who will be sent down to the battlefield in a few days? It's been bugging me ever since I was told this was going to happen." Lyla says as she scratche the back of her head. 

         Sonya and Lars both slightly squirm in their seats. Judah shrugs his shoulders, "I have no idea. So we should be prepared for anything and everything." 

         Lyla laughs as she shakes her head, "So basically you guys have very little information on anything, right?" 

          Judah slowly nods his head. Lyla scoffs, "Just fucking great. Theres a huge possbility that we could all be killed, did you think about that?!" Lyla exclaims at him. 

"Yes, we've already considered this. We've gone over every possible outcome, we are very much prepared for the worst to happen!" Judah shouts back at her. Lyla shakes her head. 

"Your going to get us killed. And when that happens, the bloods on your hands and everybody elses who's in on this as well." Lyla spits at him before quickly leaving the room. AKio and Dorian follow her out. 

           Sonya shakes her head at Judah, he ignores everyone and continues watching Jet's team. 

"Lyla, wait up!" Dorian calls out for her. Lyla scoffs as she continues power walking away from the room. She walks down a flight of stairs and bursts through a door leading into an empty white hallway. Dorian and Akio enter through the door behind her, Dorian dashes at super speed and stops in front of her, blocking her path. 

"What Dorian!?" 

"What the hell was that all about in there?! You were completely out of line." Dorian shouts at her as he crosses his arms. Akio watches them from behind. 

"He's fucking insane! He expects us to just follow them when they don't even know what they're doing or going against! I don't know if I can do that!" Lyla shouts as she points back at the room. 

           Dorian sighs as he closes his eyes and rubs his temples, "You need to trust them. It's our only shot at winning this." Dorian opens his eyes and stops rubbing his temples. 

"How can I trust them when they know nothing?!" 

"You have to have some faith in them! When did you lose that?!" Akio screams at her from behind. Lyla looks down at her feet, deeply saddened. 

"I lost my faith when they decided to abandon my brother out there. Thats when." 

           Lyla says as she walks away from leaving, leaving them both speechless. 

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