Heaven's Gate PART 2

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This is the beginning of the second half of the book; this will continue off where Brian and Joan left off at the Gates. Just a little side note, since this will take place in Heaven, there will be some magical beings and creatures and what not, that you wouldn't see on Earth. So keep that in mind! :D Plus, this part of the story will be very short.

Brian, Joan, Rai, Reanne and Otit walk up to the tall golden gate.

"How the hell are we supposed to get inside?" Reanne curiously ask's as she grabs hold of the gate. She lightly shakes it to check how thick the bars are and tough it is.

"Why do you think we brought Rai with us? He's supposedly an expert with explosions." Brian says as he points to Rai, who ha a wide grin on his face.

Reanne smirks at him, "Let's see how useful you really are." Reanne teases him as she stands back along with the others. Otit stands watch with Joan, both searching around for any enemies.

Rai walks up to the gate and grabs hold of it. He tightens his grip and nods his head head.

"We need to get away from the main entrance, just to be on the safe side." Rai says as they walk along the gate, far from the entrance. He stops after a few minutes of walking.

"Since this gate is made of pure gold. It won't take but one explosion to get us in. But don't worry, no one will hear the booms! I've made special explosives just for this sort of stuff!" Rai exclaims as he begins digging into his large pockets.

He pulls out a wooden dynamite. He ties it around a golden bar and stands back.

"And how is this not gonna make any noise?" Joan curiously asks as she glances back at the bomb.

Rai smirks, "I thought you'd never ask. I invented a special kind of explosive. This wooden dynamite is filled with tiny bags of gun powder, everything else is a mixture of water and celestial energy I was able to extract from a few Black Hearts back at the Facility. The celestial energy will keep the explosion silent by keeping the sound, smoke and pressure in a bubble. It's perfect and genius!" Rai shouts, obviously proud of himself.

Reanne applauds him, "That was great Professor. Now let's see a demonstration."

"Brian, would you do the honors?"

Brian snaps his fingers causing a small flame to conjure on the tip of his thumb. He lights the dynamite and steps back with everyone else to watch.

Rai smiles as he stands closer to the explosive. A few seconds pass before it explodes sending a few golden bars out. Brian and Reanne both glance at each other, expecting a loud boom to happen. But no sound is made. A few bubbles from the explosion glide down in front of them. Rai grabs hold of them and puts them into his pocket.

"Wow! That's really-" Rai cuts off Reanne.

"-Awesome! Right?" Rai slyly says with a huge smirk. Reanne nods her head.

"That's wide enough for us to get through, we should hurry up before anyone notices this hole in the gate." Brian says as he jumps through.

After everyone does so, they immediately see a large field with very few tree's in the horizon. In the far distance they see the outline of a huge city. And to the far right they see a monstrous mountain with a tower at the top of it.

"I'm guessing we should head over to that mountain. It seems like our safest bet at finding a cure for the Angel." Brian says as he begins walking towards the mountain. Everyone else tails behind him, looking around them every so often for enemies.

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