Chapter Forty-Seven: Unleash the Dragon

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Judah glances down at Joan, who's still recovering in Jet's healing water. Brian and Otit both glance around them to see a few warriors creating a barrier around them all. Lars coughs as he reloads his machine gun, he looks around the outside of the barrier and sees the dozens of dead bodies littered around.

"I can't feel anything inside this shield. You have to tell us what's happening out there." Brian pleads to Lars. Lars glances at Judah for a sign, he nods his head.

"Everything's going smoothly. We've got the upper hand now." Lars says with a fake smile, which Brian immediately catches onto.

"I mean with Angel and everyone else! How are they are all doing?" Brian anxiously asks as he glances at both of the Protectors.

"Everyone's doing fine, they're all in good hands. No major fatalities yet." Lars says as he flashes another fake smile at them.

"Excuse us."

Lars and Judah step away from them and begin whispering to each other.

"Damn, I can't hear them either. Angel's shield sure is something." Brian's says as he smiles. Otit smirks then nods his head, agreeing.

Judah leans closer to Lars' ear, "I need to go, we've already lost nearly half of our main regiment. Leila's team was wiped out by God's recon team. Angel and Riley are gone as well. No one can find them. And Jet...he's out of control. I need to go to him before he gets out of control. I can already feel his pressure pressing against my chest." Judah says as he puts a hand on his chest.

Brian notices Judah's expression and hand movements, "Something's not right. They're both acting weird."

"How can you tell?"

"I know them all too well. There hiding something from us, there's something their not telling us." Brian says as he sits up and puts a hand on Angel's shield. Otit glances at the Protectors, he sees Joan move a little in her sleep.

"She's not going to wake up for awhile. Hopefully she wakes up after the wars over." Otit says as he shakes his head.

Brian presses his ear to the shield, he manages to hear some buzzing noise from the shield.

"I can't hear anything. It's no use." Brian says as he sits back down. He looks down at his injuries to see them nearly healed completely, he looks over the other two and sees their wounds almost healed as well.

"I'll be heading off now. The longer I wait the more danger he's putting everyone else around him." Judah says as he begins making his way out the barrier.

"Good luck."

Judah smiles as he climbs out the barrier and begins running towards the sea.

"Judah's left. He's headed in the direction of the ocean, earlier I saw a huge explosion over there. There must be something big happening over there." Brian says as he stands up.

"Let's hope it's nothing too serious."

"Well if Judah's going, I'm sure it is."

Brian sees a cold expression plastered all over Lars face. "Something doesn't feel right."

Judah leaps over a few cars and debris in his way, in the distance he sees a few large explosions in the distance by the shoreline. The intense pressure hitting his chest with each explosion.

"Damnit Jet, you had to let your emotions run wild." Judah says as he feels his legs begin to shake from the powerful pressure pressing against him.

Sonya screams in pain as a blast of water explodes near her, sending her soaring through the air. Manny leaps into the air, catching her in his arms.

Reanne steps back as Jet leaps into the air, grabbing hold of Azazel sending him soaring to the ground. Jet slams Azazel's entire head into the ground, the clone melts away.

Gabriel's spear appears in his hands, he throws it with all his might. Jet moves his head back as it zooms past his head. It heads straight for Reanne, she leaps out the way as it explodes near her sending her soaring forward through the air. She slams face first into a brick wall, blood running down her nose. She falls back, staring up at the grey rainy sky.

Manny, Rai and Sonya crouch over her and see her nose broken.

"I need to pop it back into place!" Rai says as he reaches out to grab her nose, she quietly nods her head and closes her eyes.

He lightly grabs it, Reanne immediately twitches from the pain shooting through her. Rai quickly pops it back into place, a loud crack echoing. Reanne cries out in pain as she covers her nose, a few more trickles of blood running through her fingers.

The four of them stand up to see Jet letting out more pressure from his body. They all take a step back as it becomes harder to breathe around Jet.

Gabriel smirks as he takes off his broken armor plates. He drops them to the ground. He sees Azazel, Celeste, Raphael and Michael land beside him.

"This isn't good. Jet can't take them all on! We need to help him!" Reanne says as she groggily makes her way towards him. Rai puts a hand on her shoulder, she looks back at him confused.

"What are you doing? Let me go."

"We can't get in between that! We'll just be in the way! We can be killed for sure!"

Reanne groans as she looks forward again at the the two opposing forces. She stands back with the others again.

"I see you two made it back, good. God wanted us to eliminate the boy. I did so." Gabriel says with a wide grin.

"So what are you two still doing here? And where is Cassiel?" Michael curiously asks as he looks around. Celeste gasps when she sees Cassiel's body impaled by numerous arrows.

"By the Gods...He's dead."

"The boy, Angel, killed him, but I took care of him. This boy how ever is putting up a much bigger fight. He seems to of lost control." Gabriel says as his spear appears again.

"Seems we have no choice but to finish him them. Then the others back there." Michael says as he grabs his sword. The Angels pull out their weapons.

Jet quick steps and appears in front of Michael, Michael puts up his shield as Jet punches it. It sends Michael soaring back, he catches himself and slides back as he lands. Jet blows Celeste back with a powerful blast of water, she slams into the water and gets stuck to it. She looks down at herself and sees herself frozen to it.

As Raphael tries to grab his arrows, Jet punches him in the stomach sending him up into the air.

"Raphael!!" Michael screams for him.

Raphael looks up and sees Aztec soaring towards him with its jaws open wide. Raphael closes his eyes as he's bitten on his chest, Aztec soars down to the ground with Raphael still in his mouth. Aztec crashes Raphael through a wall.

Jet smirks as the rain around him begins to freeze. Gabriel leaps back, "Get back!"

Azazel frowns in confusion, but does so. He gasps when he sees his leg get frozen in place as he's leaping back. Suddenly his entire body freezes up. Gabriel lands near Celeste, she groans as the ice begins to crack.

Michael rushes over to help Raphael. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll live." Michael helps him up.

Jet places a hand on Azazel's frozen arm and quickly tears it off, no blood gushes out.

Everyone's eyes widen in fear and shock as Jet evilly smirks at the frozen Azazel. They then see Azazel moving his eyes around, seeing everything.

"No! Stop!" Gabriel screams as he throws his spear. Jet quick steps out the way, the spear smashes through Azazel, breaking him into tiny pieces.

Jet appears behind Gabriel and tries to impale him, but Michael hits him with his shield. Jet stumbles back, but adjusts himself.

"You will pay dearly for that." Michael says as tone in voice changes to a more angry tone.

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