✟Chapter Twenty-Three: Worst Party Speech Ever...Or Is It? ✟

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Jet and his team gasp for air as they each take a few steps back from each other, completely drained and tired.

"That was intense." Redrick softly says as he collapses to the ground. Lana tries to run to him, but she faints as she takes a step.

"She'll be fine." Karlyn says as she sits down and leans her arms back to lean on them. Keoki sits beside her and rests his head on her shoulder.

Riley puts Charel's arm around his neck for support. She leans her entire body against him.

"I think we dragged this on for too long today. We've all been at it for 18 hours straight." Jet says as he looks around at everyone. Angel nods his head, agreeing with him. Angel leans back against the tree and takes a few deep breathes.

"We can't stop now. We only have two more days before its time for us to be sent out to fight. We have to take advantage of the little time we have now." Charel exclaims as she tried to stand on her own. She cries in pain as she tries to walk on her right foot. Angel immediately begins to heal her injured foot.

Redrick lifts Lana up off the ground and leans her against the tree. Jet looks everyone over and shakes his head.

"We can't, we need to rest. Tomorrow we are going to be prepping our gear for the fight. We need to conserve our energy. You all did great today, we are more than ready for whatever challenges we may face against in the coming days." Jet says as he smiles at his team.

Lana groans as she puts her hand over her forehead as she awakens, "I think I overdid it."

Karlyn chuckles, "Hell yeah you did. Jeez."

Angel glances at Jet and smirks at him, Jet nods his head.

"Jet and I actually had an idea, We wanted to have a small party for all of the Warriors going out onto the battlefield. I think we all deserve to relax and let loose for a few hours before our expecting doom." Angel says as he gives everyone a goofy smile. They each frown at him, confused and a little taken back.

"Well that's a little depressing, don't you think?" Riley says as he looks to Keoki, who nods his head.

"Wheres the party gonna be held at?" Karlyn curiously asks.

"Here actually, on the field. While we're getting dressed, some of the Fighters and Red Hearts volunteered to decorate and prepare some food for tonight." Angel says with pure excitement in his voice.

"What the hell are we going to wear? I literally have nothing to wear." Riley complains as he looks down at his training suit.

"The guys were all graciously given black tie suits to wear; as for the ladies they were given 5 different color dresses." Jet says as he and everyone else begin walking out of the training field.

Keoki looks back and sees a huge amount of people carrying party decorations onto the field from another door on the far side.

Jet, Angel, Keoki and Riley go together to dress up in their own seperate room, the ladies do so as well.

After an hour or so of getting showered and dressed, the group meets back up at the front doors of the training field.

"Ow! Ow! You gals look hot!" Redrick calls out to the ladies when he sees them walk around the corner. Lana blushes as she looks down at her peach colored dress, Redrick stands her and bumps hips with her.

Charel bites her lip when she notices Jet staring at her blue dress. He walks up to her and puts an arm around her waist, "You look beautiful."

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