✟ Chapter Twenty Nine: Newton's Fall ✟

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Reanne watches in amazement as Brian's hawk destroys the Angels in its path. Joan and Rai glance up at the screen in time to see Otit's vortex suck up an Angel, burning and shredding to ashes.

Joan looks down at her screen to see some woods near the city Jet was fighting in. A bright green light shinning out of the woods, she tries to zoom in but her view is blocked by a few large trees.

"I see something strange on my screen, but I can't see what it is. Tree's are in my view. I think it might be Jet, I'm not sure. These damn trees are in my fucking way!" Joan shouts as she tries to angle the camera to see around the trees, but fails.

Rai takes a deep breath, still trying to calm himself down.

"I can't think about Zalez right now. I gotta focus."

Rai taps on a file with no name, he sees six names of Angel's on a list with a photo beside each of the names. He reads a little bit of info and notices a familiar face.

"Gabriel the Saint, he's the one who attacked Jet." Rai softly says to himself.

"It seems like these Angel's were assigned to take Angel and Jet down, but why?" Rai continues reading over the information to himself. Joan and Reanne see the bright green light growing faint, a few seconds pass before it disappears.

"What the hell WAS that?" Reanne curiously ask's as she glances at Joan, she shrugs her shoulders.

"Maybe it was an Alien, hell if I know."

Rai finishes reading over the file and quickly closes it out. He glances at the others, he opens his mouth to speak but closes it. Decided to keep the information to himself for the time being.

''Joan. Reanne. We need to look faster, the Angels are getting closer to Brian and Otit!'' Rai shouts as he points to the screen. They both turn to face the screen, they see dozens of Angels getting past the fire vortex and Taka.

Brian slams his hands together and extends them out, shooting a powerful flow of fire.

Otit raises the speed of the wind around him creating a shield, the winds slicing a few marks in the ground around him. An Angel slips past all of the attacks, it appears in front of Otit. The winds around Otit slices the Angel in half, splattering blood everywhere. Brian sees the upper half of the body slightly hanging over the ledge, his face stuck in a state of shock. Brian looks away from the corpse to concentrate on the Angels ahead of him.

Taka barely manages avoid the spears being thrown at it. Otit's fire vortex begins to disappear. The Angels overwhelm Taka by grabbing hold of him, draining its power. After a few moments Taka self destructs, taking the Angels with it. Otit's vortex wears out, blowing out thin strands of wind and fire; slicing and burning Angels within feet of it. The last half dozen of so of Angels soar towards the Tower. Brian and Otit leap back to the center of the roof, waiting in anticipation.

''They are about to overwhelmed by the Angels, we need to hurry!" Rai cries out when he sees them in a tight spot. Reanne and Joan scoff as they continue working.

Brian slams his hands together and moves apart, in the middle a alrge red blade appears out in thin air. Brian quickly catches the blade and twirls it around a little. Otit conjures sharp swirls of wind around him for protection, he smirks as he sees sex Angels land in front of Brian and him.

''Only six out of thirty of you left? That's a little embarasing, don't you all think?'' Otit taunts them as he smirks even wider at them.

''You shut your mouth! We were unprepared!''

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