✟ Chapter Nineteen: Loving You ✟

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        The large crowd of Black Hearts, Red Hearts and Humans make their way inside the meeting room, as everyone settles in Jet stands up at the front of the room to speak. After an hour of explaining to them everything that's happen so far, the Protectors quietly discuss with each other at the back of the room. 

          After a few moments the Protectors stand up and make their way to the front with Jet. ''We are happy you all made it here. It will only be a matter of time before the threat attacks, we have about 2-3 days to prep. In the mean time, take a few hours to rest and fill up on energy. We will be discussing the plans a day before the attack, so be ready.'' Lars says before dismissing everyone. Jet and his team make their way to the infirmary to check on Angel, they stop in front of his door and see him being treated in surgery. 

''You think they'll be able to save him?'' Riley curiously ask's as he leans against the wall. Lana and Jet nods their heads. 

        Jet turns around to face everyone, ''I'll stay here and keep an eye for him. I want you all to get some rest, you deserve it.'' Jet smiles at everyone, they smile back at him and nod their heads. They are then led by a helper to their rooms. Charel stays back and sits down in a chair beside him. Sitting quietly next to him she bites her lip. Jet gulps loudly as he begins to lightly sweat from being anxious. 

      Charel opens her mouth to speak but closes her mouth quickly. 

''Why did you say that?'' Jet says out of the blue. Charel frowns in confusion as she glances at him. 

''What are you talking about?'' Charel curiously ask's as she turns in her seat to face him, Jet lets out a sigh as he too turns to face her. He sits still and quiet for a few seconds before looking up at her. 

''The last time we were together, when....when you fell you said 'I've always loved you'. That really shocked me in a way I couldn't process or understand at the time, it was so out of the blue.'' Jet says as he meddles with his fingers. Charel thinks back to the time she was holding onto Jet's hand for dear life when they were at the Hotel. She then remember's the sensation of falling and landing on the ground, being bitten to death and nearly torn to shreds. 

      Charel puts a hand over her wrist to cover a few scars the bite marks left. 

''I always admired you. Watching you change over the years was such a sight and an incredible thing to witness. I didn't realize my feelings until that moment when you told us to run away while you stayed back to fend off the zombies. I wanted to be by you're side and fight with you. I was happy to even sacrifice myself for you so you could live. When you were fighting on the Bridge against Michael I could feel everything you were feeling, you were in pain. I wanted to suck up that pain from you. I nearly dropped to my knees crying as I felt the pain you and everyone else was in. It's all because I....I love you.'' Charel quietly says to herself, Jet catches it and begins to turn bright red. Charel looks down at her hands while Jet stares straight at her in shock and happiness. He hugs her tightly much to Charel's surprise. 

''I can't believe I never realized it sooner. Thank you Charel. Thank you for everything you've done for me....I love you too.'' Jet softly says back to her, Charel's eyes widen in shock as she looks up at him. Jet smiles brightly at her as Charels eyes begin to water from pure joy. 

       Jet slowly closes the space between him and Charel and lightly kisses her, he puts his hand up and holds her chin. After a few moment's he pulls back, letting out a breath of relief. 

       Lana, Redrick, Karlyn, Keoki and Riley watch from around the corner, they all gawk at the sight. Charel's ear perk up and she quickly turns around and sees them all watching her and Jet. She gasps in shock and turns back forward to face Jet, her face red like a tomato. Jet chuckles to himself along with everyone else.

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