✟Chapter Twenty-Four: It's Begun ✟

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          Angel continues to sing a few more songs before he takes a break. 

          Riley gulps loudly when he sees Angel walking toward's him, he shakily sticks his hand out for him to take. Angel takes it and makes his way down the steps. 

"Wow. That was incredible. You sang very well." Riley gushes then turns slightly red in the cheeks. Angel smiles brightly. 

"Thank you! I was sweating bullets up, I thought I was gonna puke too! But I'm glad it turned out better than I thought it would." Angel confesses as he laughs. 

             Jet and everyone else comes up from behind, Jet puts a hand on Angel's shoulder. Angel turns around and gives Jet a hug. 

"You did great buddy!"

              Everyone begins complimenting him. After Keoki compliments him, he stands by Karlyn and they both watch Riley staring head over heels at Angel. 

             Keoki and Karlyn both glance at each other and smirk. Keoki winks at her, she nods her head. They both make their way towards him. 

              Keoki bumps his shoulder lightly, "Hey." 

"Hey." Riley mumbles back. 

"Angel sure does have a lovely voice. He's really cute too, huh?" Karlyn says as she too stares at Angel. 

              Riley smiles land nods his head. He immediately frowns then shakes his head, "No! No! He does have a great voice, but he's not very cute. I mean he is, but not really. I mean I wouldn't date him, but I'm sure someone else would. Like the boyfriend he already has. He's....he's alright." Riley stumbles over his words and eventually shuts up. 

           Keoki and Karlyn burst into a fit of laughter. Keoki roughly pats Riley's back, "Oh buddy. You've fallen hard for him and he's barely been awake 24 hours." Keoki says as he shakes his head. 

"Riley, he does have a boyfriend. Keep that in mind. If you ruin it, you'll ruin ever having a chance at having a friendly relationship with him or anyone else. Keep that in mind." Karlyn says as crosses her arms. 

              Riley's eyes sadden as he lets out a sigh, "I understand." 

              Angel glances back at Riley, both of them making eye contact. Angel smiles at him and waves, Riley looks away without even waving back. Angel frowns in confusion, but looks back at Jet and the others. 

            Souxie stands by Manny, both of them watching Angel and Riley. "That's such a sad sight. I can hear everything he's feeling for that boy, yet he can never act on those feelings." Souxie says as she finishes reading his mind. 

"It really is sad, but he can't ruin it. I hope he doesn't. It would throw everything in chaos." Manny smirks as he says the last part to himself. 

              Lyla stands by next to Souxie, "You two better not meddle in between those two. If you do, I'll kick your asses. You two have caused enough trouble for people in the past. If I find out either of you tried anything on them, I'll send you out onto that battlefield to do a suicide mission. Do not test me." Lyla threatens them as she continues staring straight ahead. 

            Souxie and Manny tense up as she finishes speaking, a drop of sweat trickles down the side of their faces. Lyla walks away from them to Jet's team. 

"You did really great up there! I just wish I knew some dance music to dance along to the music." Lyla cries out as she pats Angel in the back. Angel chuckles as he nods his head. 

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