False Alarm

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Elena's pov
What is normally a 15-20 minute drive feels like a lifetime when I'm in pain and my comfort level is at a negative ten.I've never twisted around so much in my life.I didn't have the patience to grab the over night bag we packed.
I haven't had an contraction since five minutes into our drive to the hospital.Which is making me think I might not go into labor tonight.Also depends if I'm dilated.

Zayn held my hand as we walked into the hospital.Self reminder to kiss him for holding my purse for me.

Approaching the nurses station,"Hi my fiancé is pregnant and she's in pain.."Zayn said rather calmly.

The nurse nods her head,"Okay.Lets get you checked in."She said to me."And you can fill out the forms for her.Would you like a wheelchair sweetheart?"

I shook my head,"No,no thank you."

Something about lifts down makes me want to throw up.Nauseating feeling in my stomach from the movements and smell of rubber.It might just be me who smells it.

With Zayn's help into the gown.I needed two.Personally rather not show all of the nurses my ass.

The nurse has started my i.v and called my primary doctor and the doctor who's working tonight's shift.
Who should be seeing me shortly.I haven't had any pains since we arrived so I didn't ask for pain medication.

"Your contractions are 15 minutes apart."Zayn said,entwining our fingers.

I nod,"I've never experienced Braxton hicks before.My water always broke then we from there."

"We now have our complicated child."Zayn said then kissing my hand.

The doctor and nurse who brought us to this room and started my i.v walked in."Hello mum and dad,I'm Dr. Solten."She shook my hand then Zayn's.

Standing beside me,"You're 8 months,correct?"


"On a scale to 1-10 what would you rate the pain?"

"Solid 8."I've done natural birth and cesarean.The pain I felt wasn't near neither of those birthing processes.

"Okay.I'm going to do and ultra sound an I will check to see if you've dilated."I've done this twice before and still find this to be so odd and uncomfortable.l'm happy she's a female doctor though.

Her nurse set up the ultra sound machine.Lifting my gown an laying a blanket over my lower area.Dr. Solten covered my stomach with the cold gel.

Zayn kissed my hand again when we saw Anaíya moving around."Healthy little gem you two have."

"Littles."I heard Zayn whisper.

"She is breached.More then likely you will have another cesarean."The recovery of cesareans is something I wouldn't wish for my worst enemy.I wanted to cry every day after I had Navi.Looks like I'll be feeling the same way again.

"Okay."I said,I will have to endure a lot of pain.But it will all be worth it.I just want her to be perfectly fine when I do have her.

Now for the uncomfortable part..

"You will feel some pressure."Dr. Solten said.Zayn's hand felt pressure too.

"You're not dilated."She stood up,taking her gloves off and tossing them in the trash.Zayn covered my legs with the fairly thin cover."Like I thought it was just false contraction.
Known as Braxon hicks.You will feel more of that as you get closer to your due date and they will feel a lot stronger then what you felt earlier."
She explained.

"Is there anything she has to do until then?Or is there anything for the for the pain?"Zayn asked,Dr.Solten sighed."I can't give her anything for the pain.But to relax her muscles warm bath or showers help.Are you on the go a lot?"

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