Ending The Day With An 'I Love You'

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I promise another chapter will be posted later today.

Elena's pov

Paris by far has been our best holiday as a family.Two days at Disney land,walked around the city,loads of shopping and eating.I can't wait to do another one after Anaíya is born.

Our holiday way nice but I can say I'm happy to be home.Some how the house still smells like peppermints and pine.Considering the fact we still have our Christmas tree,reason for the line smell and I'm not sure what's the peppermint smell.

I put on a film for the girls to relax,long flight and being uncomfortable that's what they needed.I have at least ten minutes to show Zayn his gift before one of them gets up to ask for something.

"I said I didn't want anything Lena."Zayn said for the second time since I put the blind fold on him.

"Shut up."Stopping in front of the garage door,We both shivered feeling the coldness from outside.Taking off the blind fold,Zayn smiled like a little kid in a candy store,showing all his pearly whites."Wow Lena."Stepping farther in to take a good look at his new car.New all black Audi,everything in this car is custom made also expensive as hell.I opened the door taking a seat in The passenger seat.He will help me get out of this ridiculously low car.

"Like it?"I asked,he gently took my face in his face leaving a kiss."Of course babe."Fits in well with all the rest of his black cars,he can start a damn car show with all the cars he owns.

"Good now I need help out."Finding my need of help funny,getting out without any problems Zayn came to my side taking my whole body in his arms."Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Kissing along my neck as made our way back up our girls,laying comfortably under the covers.We took in the perfect view."Soon we will have three little girls."Zayn said

"Three little mad Rugrats."

*Following week.*

Now I know what it feels like to have three girls in the house.Yasenia has been here for two days now and there's been nothing but laughter.

Naveen and her are hilarious together.I sent Marci and Esme a picture of them,instant they said that's Malena and I as kids.

We've been home for an hour now,the girls are watching t.v and I'm fixing dinner,happens to be cheese burger and crisp.Quick,

simple and that's what we all want tonight.

Zayn should be home very soon,meetings and interviews.How fun for him and the boys.I know they have some things coming up.I won't be in shock if they have a long term tour coming up.

While I was plating dinner,I heard the garage door open."Daddy you're home,finally!"Naveen said."I know boo,I'm happy to see you three as well."

Putting the plates down,Naveen and Yas's new light up cups,Amina stuck to her Minnie cup that has her name on it.

"Hello beautiful."My handsome boy greeted me,I smiled giving him a kiss on the lips.He might've been the only guy in the meeting wearing joggers with no shame.The meeting was last minute,he had every intentions on staying home.

"Hi babe,how are you?"The yawn answered my question."Tired,looking forward to getting back in the bed."I shook my head."You and Littles?"

"We are good,hungry.Girls,dinner!"

Three little bodies ran in,Yassy and Nav holding hands.This is like a little break for Amina.She loves her sister to death but lets be honest younger siblings are a pain in the ass.I don't know personally,just been a witness.

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