Business & Pleasure

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Elena's pov
Zayn thinks my extreme liking for first time parents is weird and furthest from normal. But I highly disagree especially when they are your close friends. Maisie and Harry welcome their precious baby boy last week Wednesday(Day of the last chap) her water broke at ten and he was here by one-thirty. His name is Edward Hayes Styles. First name after Harry and middle name after Mai's dad, weighing 7 pounds 5 oz, he has Mai's eyes.Quite debatable who's eyes he had because he's only week old. They are in pure bliss and we couldn't be happier for her.

When dealing with three individuals, who aren't morning people and just want to sleep is really difficult when we all have to be some at a certain time. Zayn was zero help. Late night studio sessions are a bitch when you have to be up at half pass five that morning. I did feel bad waking him up to take Anaíya while I got the girls dressed. But I had to because I couldn't hold her and get them ready. Anaíya and I left before they did because I had to go to Dash and pick up some things then Aoife met us then came to studio in East London. Doing all this traveling with my little lady bug. 

If Caroline could sit on the sofa and have the longest cuddle with Anaíya, she would. She sat and played with her for a good hour. Since we are at work and that can't happen ,she's going back and forth and lifting bags.

"Will she sleep long?"Caroline asks.

I nod,"She seems to sleep longer strapped to me. Hour possibly more depending on what I'm doing." I'm using my baby wrap. I fed, changed and burped her, Aoife helped me wrap Anaíya against my chest now she is sound asleep.

"She is such a good baby."Aoife says. I'm waiting for the day she tells me she's pregnant. I expect to hear those words within the next three or four months.

Zayn walks in,"I wish we can say the same for her dad." Caroline says. He give her a half ass smirk.

"Her dad is wonderful."Zayn says then comes over to Anaíya and I, giving her a kiss on the head.

Joking came to an end and work began. The photographer took him around the studio to show him where they will be shooting. There's an actual studio here so that's where most of the shots will be and outside on the roof.

I stand in front of him, applying consealor to his face while he plays with Anaíya. We had to turn her around to keep her entertained.
"This your first time working together?" Lauren asks. She's interviewing Zayn but this conversation is not included.

Zayn chuckles,"I try not to mix business and pleasure."he says. I instantly stop what I was doing and look at him. Everyone starts laughing.

"Yes it's our first time working together and last."I say, glancing up at Aoif who's shaking her head at me.

"You're the worst."

I've seen him do many things when it comes to working: recording, performing and interviews but this is my first time seeing him do a photoshoot. This is a whole new element I'm seeing him in. Quite sexy.
Caroline had him in all black Versace for the first to shots. Jewelry as well, nothing to flashy because that not Zayn. Just a black diamond necklace and ear rings.

"Walk towards me."Jeff said, he's the photographer. Zayn does what he is told. I love his serious slightly mysterious face expressions. I only get to see this in magazines because at homes he's full of laughter. Kinda reminds me when we are having sex to be honest that's when he's mysterious and has a few tricks up his sleeve.

We move over to the stair shots, after Aoife was done touching his hair up,Zayn signaled for me to come here."You look comfortable."he says to Anaíya, who's screeching really loud.

"I don't think it's healthy for a baby this big to be in one of these things."I say. Zayn laughs because she's not heavy to him. I don't plan to have a bad back before I'm even thirty.

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