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Go look at More details about the characters. It's some thing I saw on Tumblr & I want to do it. I've already posted one fore Zayn ,go check it out and along with giving me more characters to write about.
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Elena's pov
"Excuse me?"I say, if Anaiya and the kids outside weren't here. I would've gotten up and knocked the dog shit out of Keeva. Skip all the wedding bullshit, she's going personal and into business she has no business being in.

"They were busy worrying about you when you lived in Bradford. So they had no time to start an actual family of their own. Then you were pregnant with-"

"If you're smart, you wouldn't let my daughters name leave your mouth."I say. She has nothing to do with this argument and it would give me another reason you punch her in the face.

"You got pregnant ,kicked out of your mums house and went to live with them. Not saying you put a stop on what they wanted to do but in a way you did."Keeva says, to sum up the shit that came out of her mouth. Due to my fucked you relationship with my mum ,getting pregnant then kicked out. Stopped my dad and Esme from starting an "actual family".

Jolena got up with Anaíya and went to join the kids. I look at Keeva,"You have every right to feel that way. But I've always told you that I'm forever indebted to Esme for all that's she's done when it came to helping me with Amina. Maybe it was selfish of me to look to her when Zayn wasn't in the picture and I should have done it in my own. But she's all I have parent wise."I can say that without crying for the first time."I-"

Esme puts her finger up to me, "Sh."

"No one stopped A.j and I from doing anything. Kids was never in the books for us for one reason and one reason only:I can't have any. So I held on to Elena ,I held on tight and I don't regret it sweetheart. I didn't carry her, but I love her and my grandkids like they have my blood running through them.  Whatever anger you have towards Elena ,let it go. She didn't hold A.j and I back from doing anything."Esme says in the most gentle tone of voice.

There's some secretes people want to go to the grave with. Possibly Marci and Jaslyn knew Esme couldn't have kids but I know the rest of us didn't know. Parents normally don't tell their kids this, biological or not. I've never questioned why they didn't have kids together. She just reminded me that we are family and nothing can change that.

"I guess we all feel a different way about this."Keeva says, that trigged Malena and Pearla surprisingly. Keeva might be right, Jaslyn feels the same way she does. She slowly nodded her head.

"Why are you such a bitch? We suffered a tough lose when my uncle passed, but the two who lost the most important person in their life's was Esme and Elena. Even after Esme tells you why she never had kids you still blame Elena, fuck off."
Malena says, now I see why Malena doesn't care for her. Hell Aja and Sianna too.

Jaslyn stood up,"We are going to head out."Esme nods, not making eye contact with Keeva. This has officially put an end to our friendship. Anything that was fixable or probably an be talked about so we can get to a certain point ,will never fucking happen.

Isaiah and Grainne did come in and say goodbye to us. I don't like their aunt but that will never change my love for them.

The tension was no longer here. "You alright babe?"Marci asked me.

"Yeah I'm good."

Jolena walks back in with Anaíya, who's very giggly."Welcome to the family Pearla." We all laughed, you have to find humor in a shit situation.

"Very similar to my own family."She says,she rubs my leg in a comforting way.

We ate dinner in a peaceful setting not mentioning what happening forty minutes ago. Nothing can beat good food with good company and loud kids. Anaíya was passed around until she became hungry. I took her from Jolena ,who wasn't pleased. She has no problem pulling all nighters, I'll gladly hand Anaíya over at 2-3 in the morning.

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