The Past

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Part 3

March 16th

I've never laid my eyes on such a perfect little life.My water broke around six a.m but I didn't fully dilate until seven o'clock.Thirty minutes later I gave birth to my little girl.

"She had a head full of hair."Trisha said.They were also by my side.."She's taking our last name."Doniya asked.

"Yeah,your mum sighed for him."I said.

"Amina Nahla Malik."I haven't smiled this hard in awhile.She has his face structure,same adorable nose.God if she has his smile it will melt my heart.

"Can I hold her?"Safaa asked."Of course."Trisha took Amina,guiding them to the sofa."I'll be her favorite aunt."Safaa said making it clear to everyone."Doubt it."Waliyha said.

My dad sat beside Yaser smiling at me.He's know where near proud of me having Amina so young though I can tell he's in love with my little beaut.

11 months later

"What are you doing you little butter bum."I sat on the floor playing with Amina,between Esme and Trisha I'm not sure who buys her more toys.

My dad turned the living room into her play room.He's living in five months and is making sure every minute is spent with us,mainly Mina.

"Ma ma!."She stood herself up and actually walked to me,three little steps.Amina usually stands and makes one step but this is major."You did it baby."I gave her so many kisses until it annoyed her."Mummies big girl."

I heard a knock them the door opening."Her daddy is here."Aja said,yes she still gives herself that tittle."In here."She came in with the biggest smile quickly picking up Mina."Hi cutie pie!"so cute,Mina hugged her back.

"How are you?"She asked joining me on the floor."I'm good,work,

school and this busy bee is keeping me busy.Yourself?"Amina got out of Aja's grip to play with her toys.

"I'm good pretty good,missing my best friend."She says this every time she comes over.I miss her,Sianna and Ashlyn as well.

"I miss you too Nena,trust me I feel bad for being so far away from you and the Malik's."This is the hardest part about living in Bristol.All of the Malik's adore Amina and try their best to visit her when they can.I can tell its difficult for Trisha knowing she's keeping a big secrete from her own son.

"Have you thought about telling him?"Amina cuddled in her arms,she loves her cuddles like Zayn.

"I have then I think about everything going wrong.Him completely disowning her and his career. The shit he will get for having a nearly one year old is very high."My eyes went towards my baby girl.I would love for Zayn to meet her and to be in her life.Theres so much a at risk if I do say anything.Im definitely not sure if he will would want to be in her life after me not telling him.

"You do have a valid point."

"Have you seen him?"I've seen everything him and his band mates have done.From X factor to their videos.I don't watch their interviews because I can't handle hearing his voice.

"I have,last weekend when we went to his show.He asked about you."


"I said call her if you want to know how she is."Well I never got a call that shows me he doesn't care.

"Oh.."I tried to smile to keep from crying."Everything will fall into place."

"Doesn't feel like it.11 months old and we haven't talked."I don't understand how we couldn't have worked out a long distant relationship.

"Give mummy a kiss."I held out my arms for my baby,scrunching her lips up in the oddest way to give me a kiss."Thank you pebbles."

(Summer of 2012)

Esme had to work today so it's just my dad,Amina and myself.Since it's summer he bought her a little pool.Its so cute to see her splashing around.

"Papa here."Amina handed my dad her toy."You play with it baby."She smiled taking it back."She's two Lena,when are you going to tell Zayn about her?"

I've avoided this conversation with so many people,I can't with him!

"I'm not sure.It might be better off like this.He won't have to worry about anything and I can take care of her."My dad shook his,disapproving what I just said.

"I understand you're anger but don't let Amina suffer from your from choices."I looked to my beautiful little girl.I guess he's right.
"If he met her today what do you think he would say?"He asked."He would be upset about me not telling him.."

"And?"He motioned his hand for me to continue."Would want to be apart of her life."

"As well as I know his dad and how he his with his daughter;without a doubt Zayn would adore Amina.Nothing like a daddy daughter relationship.I couldn't picture my life without."I started to cry,he is right.The most important relationship in my life that I hold dear to my heart is the one with my dad.

"Don't let her miss out on something so precious Lena."He kissed my forehead pissing Amina off."No kiss mummy!"

"I can only kiss you?"He scooped her wet body up.Laughing her little heart out."Zayn would love to be apart of this."He placed her back in the water,she definitely won't get her swimming skills from Zayn.

"It still harts."I said."Babe that's life.You have to let go of that anger and hart for the sake of Amina.She comes first."

The last part of The Past.Next chapter will be in present time of the book.Something is going to happen!!

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