Things Change Quickly

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I changed her middle name.

Elena's pov
"You look like one of those hot doctors from a t.v show."I told Zayn,
him and the nurses,show are near us laugh.They brought us up to the OR about ten minutes ago.I hate coming here without Zayn.Nurse Kathleen took him to get changed into his scrubs.He's definitely my mc dreamy and mc steamy in one.Lucky me.

"I'm going to put the curtain up."I nodded,Zayn tried his best to distract me when I felt a bit of pressure.In a few seconds my whole lower body will feel completely numb.

"Cutting now."I heard Dr. Samuels say.Zayn kisses my cheek,whispering "I love you so much."

"I love you too."I said.The beautiful sound of our baby girl rang through our ears.Strong set of lungs..

"We welcome the birthday girl!"Dr. Samuels holds Anaíya over the curtain.Head full of hair and chubby cheeks."Hi Littles.""Zayn said,seeing my gushy baby girl makes me emotional.So gorgeous.

All of a sudden things went black...

Zayn's pov
Things change quickly,from seeing Anaíya.Love at first sight for the three of us..Elena cried then the machines went crazy.I don't think I've ever felt this stuck in my life.I'm no doctor but I do know that's not good and I can't lose Elena.

Having to be pushed out of the o.r,I asked questions but all I got was nurse saying different things as I was directed out of the room and back to Elena's room.

I need Elena,our girls need Elena.This can't be happening not now or never.
We have our whole life ahead of us,
marriage,raising our three beautiful girls.Reminding each other how much we love one another.I need her by my side to know that things will be just fine.Not perfect but just fine.She keeps me level headed.Hell we keep each other level headed.I need all four of my girls to keep me going.

My thoughts that were running a 100 miles per hour were broken by Esme coming in.I couldn't even stand up,she walks over and hugs me."She will be fine sweetheart."

"She didn't get a chance to hold Anaíya."I mumbled,Esme kisses my cheek then took a seat beside me.My eyes remained on the door.Hoping for a nurse would walk in at any second.

"She will hold Anaíya.Give her a long warm cuddle and lots of kisses.We have to keep a positive mind right now."

I nod,It's a lot easier said then done when it's all happening right now.

The door opens again twenty minutes later and it's my parents and sisters.
Once again I couldn't stand up or even explain to them what's going on.I don't even know what fully happen.Esme told them what little she knew as well.

Safaa sat next to me,laying her head in my shoulder."She will pull through."
She said,"She always has."

My first time making eye contact with someone.I look her in the eyes."I need her too."I say then kiss her forehead.

Esme and my mum walked back in the room,followed begin them was a nurse Kathleen."Whats going on?"I ask.

"Elena lost a lot of blood."Those words made my heart fall to my stomach."And her pressure was high.Dr.Samauls got both under control."

We were all holding our breath to hear that news.Now we can breath.

"Can I see her and the baby?"I asked,"They should be bringing them both in at any minute now.She might be a bit woozy so take your time when you all talk to her."She rests her hand on my leg,"Breath,she's ok."

I nod again."Thank you."

Ten minutes after nurse Kathleen leaves the room,three other nurses wheel Elena back in.They explain that she's breathing on her on,and about the blood lost in the o.r. that was the cause of the machine going crazy.

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