'Special Hug'

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Elena's pov

We weren't set to leave to Disney until noon therefore the girl slept.Staying up nearly past two a.m,watching films and waking me up to change the channel when it went off.I'll be surprised if I can even get them out of bed.

I woke up about fifteen minutes ago to wash my face and brush my teeth,it's always a good morning when I'm not throwing up what I ate the night before.And it's also Zayns birthday,he's not a big breakfast type of guy so I just made him a cup of coco with half of a banana sandwich.Its something him and the girls love to eat.

I set down the plate and steaming cup of coco,carefully climbing on the bed to straddle him.Leaving long lingering kisses to his neck and stubbly jawline,he started to shift under me.Realizing I was on too of him,he got a hold of my hips making sure I didn't fall over."What are you doing babe?"He mumbled.

I smiled,I swear this man can sleep for hours."Waking you up to a birthday breakfast in bed."He looked to his left seeing what I had for him,I must've done some thing right to get that smile."Happy birthday babe."

Rubbing my stomach a little,he said."Thank you."Out of no where he managed to sit up with him still straddling him.I know I'm not the heaviest person but I also know I'm not the lightest."Have you eaten?"

"Toast with jam."I said,he held slices banana to my mouth,gladly taking it.

Something has been on my mind for the past couple of weeks.Might be normal,might not.His reaction or answer is my main concern.

From what I read some woman do have sex while pregnant.A lot of hormones running through you and you want your man.From the comments rant I read,their husbands weren't so comfortable with it at all.

"There's so many times you can trace that same tattoo."He said,after taking a sip of his coco."What's up babe?"

"I want you."I simply said,no time for sugar coding anything."You have me."Really?

"No!"I said,I shouldn't be getting annoyed but I've been feeling like this for the past couple of weeks and it's hell!

"I want."I said looking down at his man hood that happens to be pressing against my inner thigh."You."

He chuckled like I was telling some insane joke.Im not laughing."Babe your pregnant."

"I read it's perfectly normal."

"It's weird,I don't want anything to happen to her."

I pouted,this isn't going well."It's perfectly fine Zayn."

Why does he have to be do difficult?Im not asking him to do a brain surgery,all I need is sex."I can't,feels to weird.Probably just a little faze you're going through,it will al past."

"We can talk about this when we go to the doctor next week."He really does find my need for sex funny,asshole.

Bringing me to his warm chest."If I can go without sex,I think you can too babe."I pinched his side,making him squirm under neither me."What pregnant woman wants,pregnant woman gets."


Kids heaven,the girls have met all the characters,each have three balloons tied to their arms and one too many new toys.

Zayn said seeing them smile as hard as they are,is his birthday gift in itself.Translation he's the one who said yes to all the things they asked for.I could intervene because it's his day.

I was a bit wary with going out security considering we are in a well known public place.This is actually our first time going without,I don't mind it when it's just him and I but for the girls it's different.We both agreed to not bring any.Its not really giving Amina and Nav a normal childhood when you have two massive guys walking beside us.

Every ride that they met the height requirement they got on.With me being pregnant,I sat on the side and ate.Trying my best to eat a funnel cake in a lady-like way is difficult.

It's clear that we've eaten a lot today,I'm saying all of us so I don't seem like a fat ass.

Five hours of walking around we came back to the castle to get a photo of the girls."Big smiles!"I said,kneeled down to take a photo of the girls for their grand parents.Amina standing behind Nav with her arms wrapped around her..Perfect.I know they're tired of taking pictures,I don't care.

"I'm tired."Nav said,tugging on Zayns hand.Not letting our sleepy daughter walk,Zayn scooped our daughter up sitting her around his neck."Back to the hotel?"I asked,really a question for the girls.

"Yeah,I want to play with my toys."Amina said,I look to Zayn who's completely worn out."To the hotel we go."

When we came back to the hotel,the cake that I order for Zayn was here.A big Z made out of cupcakes."Wow these look good."Kissing me on the lips."Thank you."

"You're welcome."Letting Amina and Nav lead us in singing happy birthday was hilarious.Its a great thing we don't have people next door or across the way.

Navi seem to wake up a little once she started eating a cup cake and was changed into her pajamas.

Watching Zayn smudge frosting on both of their faces filled the room with laughter."Daddy!"They yelled,while giggling."What?I didn't do anything."He said

"Yes you did!You out the frosting on our faces."Amina said,Zayn smiled ,wiping the frosting of her face doing the same for Navi."I had an idea."He said,looking over at me with a sneezy smile,whispering god knows what.They stood up making there way to me,I saw Zayn get a cupcake,"No!"I said,getting up and running to the bedroom and quickly closing the door.

Laughing on the other side."Open the door mummy!"Amina yelled.

"Yeah mummy open,we won't get you."

"You little liars!"I said."Anaíya and I don't want cupcake on mummy."

"Daddy disagrees."Zayn said,bastard."It's daddy wants a kiss."Amina thinks she's slick.

"Come out babe."Sighing as soon as I opened the door,a cupcake met my face.Navi said"You look funny mummy."

"Ha ha ha."

After cleaning up and brushing our teeth,we all ended up in one bed with their toys."Where do babies come from?"Zayn and I looked to each other,debating who's going to answer Amina's question.

"Special hug."Zayn answered,what the fuck?He shrugged his shoulders."A special hug?"Amina asked making sure she fully understood her fathers crazy answer."Yeah,you can only have this 'special hug' when you're in your forties."He's taking this question to a new level of crazy.

"So you gave mummy a special hug?"Nav asked,Amina will forget and probably won't ask how babies are made but Naveen will bring it up and share it with the world.

Zayn smiled,"Yes."She nodded,
counting on fingers."You gave her three 'special hugs'."

Oh my gosh,I said."Yes Naveen Muna,now drop the subject and play little girl."Giving a little tickle,turning her attention back to her sister and toys.

I gave Zayn a look,it's how this mans mind works when it comes to explaining things to out daughters.

"Really?"I whispered."I didn't know what else to say.I wasn't going to tell her detail for detail."

"A special hug though?"

"I gave you three special hugs."He starting laughing,I couldn't help but laugh as well."You better hope she doesn't repeat it to anyone."

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