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This was suppose to be posted on Halloween obviously didn't happen.

Elena's pov
"I don't see anything I like."Amina says. Halloween shopping is the worst. Last year it was Naveen taking a million years to chose a custom now it's Amina. Naveen will be a green crayon, Anaíya will be a baby lion and if Amina doesn't choose,she's going to be a fairy princess.

I sigh looking at her,"What about a zombie bride? I'll do your make up, we can find you a wig."I say, showing her the costume.

"Really?"She asks, really excited. I'm tired of being in this store. I planned to be in here for thirty minutes tops because I didn't think it would be this difficult but an hour and thirty minutes later, we are all over Halloween shopping.

"Yes. You will look perfect babe."

"Okay. I'll be a zombie bride."

I really should've had Zayn do this with them. He doesn't mind them being picky,I'm the opposite.

"What size is that?"Esme asks, she drove out this morning to watch the girls for Zayn and I so we can go to Liam and Danielle's Halloween party tomorrow night. All after we take the girls down a few blocks.

"Ten months."I say while turning Anaíya around to look at the size."Yup ten months."

"She fits into it perfectly."

I nod,"She grows so fast. Seems like every month I'm giving away clothes she can't fit anymore."Esme takes her from me."You're growing too fast sweetness...Yes you are."

"Emmanuel and Pearla are coming with the boys."I say. Everyone has been pretty busy this month and we haven't had time to hang out. Seeing that it's Halloween ,the kids will have some fun together come back and be on a sugar high while us adults are our. I did want them to come with us but they are going to Pearla's sisters party. Which they wanted us to go to. We figured we could meet another time. Which will be for Pearla's birthday in two weeks.
Christmas is probably not an options since we will all be in Bradford for the week including them.

"Oh good I miss the boys."She says. I love that she has a beautiful relationship with Chase and Sonny. Kids are hesitant to come near anyone they don't know or feel comfortable around. Esme has this loving welcoming personality. Her grandkids or not kids, she will make them feel loved.

"You will have them all tomorrow."I say smiling."You know I wouldn't have it any other way. I want you all to be in the same city so I can get them whenever I want."

I wish I could blame my forgetful mind on pregnant brain but I can't on obviously."Did Emmanuel tell you that they were look for a house here?"

It's rare that Esme gives me the look that she wants to slap me. I've received that look about seven times from her. Now I can say eight."Elena Lynn. Why didn't you tell me? Where? Something wrong where they are now?"

"Can I answer the first question?"I ask. She slaps me on my thigh. Anaíya found that to be funny oddly disturbing.

"It is something permanent. From what she says but the down flaw of it is that Emmanuel will have to drive in every weekend because he still has to work."I explain.

Pearla work in merchandising and retail for many companies. A new company is offering a deal that both of them won't pass up. Emmanuel says her family isn't to happy about them moving and he doesn't care. They have to do what's best for their boys and their future.

Lets Meet Half Way.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن