Sibling love

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Elena's pov
It's been a lot of traveling back and forth from London to Bradford for me due to work and getting the girls to school. Zayn and Anaíya stayed with his parents, Trisha needed him and Yaser to do a few things around the house. Though I did miss my baby girl it was easier to leave her with Zayn for the week. We successfully moved all of Doniya and Raj's things in their new home, which is absolutely beautiful, four bedrooms, four bathrooms,very open and flows perfectly. More importantly Doniya is happy.

The girls and I arrived in Bradford around four. I was happy there was no major traffic or else we would've gotten here later tonight. Esme also drove with us because tomorrow is Doniyas baby shower. Everyone was put to work with making goody bags. This is what happens when both parents come from a massive family, hundred people are coming. That number alone gave me a headache.

"Come on baby girl."I say to Anaíya, we are slowly getting her to crawl forward instead of backwards. She gets fussy but doesn't last long. I smile watching Anaíya make noises.

I pick Anaíya up by her hands, getting her steady on her wobbly legs."She can walk!"Naveen slightly yells.

"No baby I'm helping her. She has a while to go before she starts walking."I say. Navi comes and kisses her on the cheek then goes back down stairs.

We come into our room to join Zayn, who's occupied on his lap top and on the phone."I need that month cleared too."He says,smiling at Anaíya when I lift her on to the bed. I love how excited she gets to see him.

"Yeah.. That's good too after that we can start booking things for here."He says. I sit beside him ,grabbing Anaíya before she slams her hand against his key board.

I now know he's talking to his mangers about his schedule for next year. They did put a lot on the back burner to have him home more with me and the girls. Especially when Zayn told them I was in bed rest, everything was cleared.
The few things he did do with the boys and that didn't require him to be away for long.

Zayn throws his phone on the bed,"That's done."

Anaíya slowly reaches for his phone, Zayn sees her little arms struggling to get it so he hands it to her."Busy?"I ask

"Not until the end of March going into April. Mainly studio time."

"That's always fun."I say.

He shrugs,"I'm going to get you in the studio with me."I look at him like he's crazy because he is. That will never happen in this lifetime or the next.

"No."I all I say.

"You can do back up vocals."He says like I didn't just say no.

"I don't want to. That's your thing not mind."I say as I wipe Anaíyas mouth.

He sighs, we've had this discussion many time and I've given him the same answer every time. No!

"Can you at least think about it?"Zayn asks.

I smile, watching Anaíya grab Zayns shirt to lift herself up. She's been doing this a lot.Playing kissy face with her dad."If I say yes will you leave me alone about it?"

"Fuck no. You're just saying that to shut me up and that's not happening."Zayn says in a playful yet serious tone.

"I'll think about it."I say. He will harass me twenty four seven if I didn't give him the answer he wants.

Lets Meet Half Way.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon