Things Daddy Do

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Zayn's pov
"Daddy Anaíya is leaving!"Naveen shouts, I see Amina standing in front of her. I really don't like the crawling stage getting into everything, a human vacuum cleaner. I love my Littles and I want her to be a tiny baby forever. I treasured when Naveen was a baby, wasn't there for bits of it but when I was I loved it.

Quickly catching her before she falls over,"You need to take a nap." She just smiles, showing her three teeth. I kiss her cheek,"Kiss?" Anaíya stiffens up, the gives me a open mouth kiss on my cheek. "Thank you baby girl."
Out of all our girls, Anaíya looks the most like Elena. She has ittle traits of Saf but she's all Elena to me.

I put her down, watching her crawl everywhere. These gates aren't helping.I laugh seeing Naveen watch Anaíya suspiciously."She's touches everything daddy."

"That's what babies do boo. New stages in the life's, Littles is in hers."I explain,"You did the same to Jaan and she didn't get annoyed with you, she was happy to be a big sister."

Moving her curly hair out of her face,"I'm a good big sister." She argues.
"I didn't say you aren't but you get annoyed when Anaíya touches your toys. Share with her, we told you the things she can't play with-"

Naveen grabs her blue teddy bear,"I can give her my bear."

I smile,"Good girl."
Anaíya started getting into everything. She comes in rooms fucks it up then wants to go on to the next room and fuck some more shit up.

"Jaan?"I call out for Amina, this idea might get me fussed at.This is the only thing that will keep Anaíya in one place.

Amina comes to sit by me,"Want to help me?"she shrugs,"Maybe."

I laugh,"You have no choice little girl.Do you still have that small little pool?" She nods,"Do you two still have those small balls for that bounce house?" I ask.

I give them both directions to get what needed for Anaíyas trap. It will keep her in one place and I won't have to worry about her getting into anything. I won't be surprised if they decide to join her.That actually might help if they do.

I throw a ball at Amina,"Who got this for you?"I ask. She throws it back at me."Auntie Saf." I laugh seeing them try to keep Anaíya moving the pool that I'm blowing up.
It amazes that I have three perfect little girls. They make my life a million times better. The sacrifices of not being here so much was one of the worst times in my life which why I choose to leave the band. I pissed a lot people off including the people who mean the most to me in this world. I missed so much with Amina, I selfishly missed with Naveen. I made a promise to them, Elena and myself I would never do that again, they deserve better. I love being home with them. Elena doesn't have to worry about rushing from the shop or finding a babysitter. She can work while I handle things at home which I love. Spending the day with Anaíya, pretty much sleeping and finishing cleaning then going to get the girls from school, getting snacks ready and homework is something I look forward to.

Elena's reaction is what I expected."Why is my baby in pool?" Lena asks. She's happy, that's all that matters.

"Her new play trap."I say unsurely which doesn't help."That's Anaíyas now. She stays there and doesn't like to come out."Navi says. I try not to crack a smile. Anaíya does come out but doesn't like when I take her out.

Elena rolls her eyes at me going to get Anaíya, who starts to fuss once her mums picks her up. Elena puts her down and of course she's happy again."Told you."Amina says.

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