Love You

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Zayns pov
Being last minute and cutting it close,I rang Esme to come watch the girls for an hour for me. I didn't want to interrupt any plans she had for the day but from what Esme says she was doing last minute thing for the wedding. Nothing major just some things for Elena and her braids maids.

I completely forgot about an interview that I'm doing with Liam at Capital one. Promoting our new single, it's been in the works for awhile now and now it's completely done. We've done many songs together but it didn't feel like the right song. It describes what chapter we're in our lives, being with two women who probably should've left us years ago but didn't, being fathers of beautiful little girls. Still questionable to what Dani is having so I'm guessing it's a girl.

I barely survive waking up with Anaíya this early let alone getting up this early for an interview. On my third cup of coffee which I normally don't drink but I needed a bust of energy. I didn't get to finish my second cup because Anaíya saw me and wanted me to hold her just as I was about to leave. I felt guilty leaving her in tears. You really don't know you have a weak spot until you have daughters.

Liam looks at me while I stir my coffee,"Anaíya up all night?"he ask.
I nod,"Been up since five thirty."I thought she was leaving this stage of tormenting us. When Elena was home, she didn't wake up this early so that says Elena needs to get her ass home.

"Don't laugh. This will be you very soon."I say.

I like interviews where I feel comfortable and actually like who's interviewing me. Very rare to come. Dave is one of the few who has interviewed me plenty of times and it's a natural conversation and funny which is a plus.

"I can say we waited a very long time for this."Dave says, "Kept telling us it's coming very soon then it got put off. What made you guys say 'this is the single'?"

"It feels right."I speak first. When something feels right even if others don't care for it. Liam and I know ,we wrote a song that we are proud of.

"We've written many songs over the last three year and nothing-well possibly but won't find until we actually compare and get others opinions. For us the other songs can't touch this one. The sound, instruments is perfect."Liam says. Dave only heard a small bit of the song."Live band?" We nod. It's not my first time putting a live band in a song of mine. I knew it would work great with this song.

"Yeah. I won't lie when Zayn mentioned adding a live band I was iffy then we got a band from the states and they smashed it. Especially at the end it sounds like a jazz festival."Liam explains. It's my favorite part of the song to be honest.

"Now it's only Zayn singing?"Dave asked. I nod."I tried my hardest to get him on this song but we did write it together. Producing credits goes all to him." Liam didn't sing on all the songs we wrote. He preferred to produce this one. But he is singing on this song small bits but we know it's him.

"I'm on it but not on it. If that makes any sense."Liam says unsurely.
Dave laughs. His laugh is creepy and loud."It does mate. You've mention it's about what's going on in your life. So it's a representation of being in love with your ladies? Because you two got quite a few."Dave says in a joking manner. But blogs will have fun with that one.

"Yeah."I say,"Pretty much put everything in three minutes and fifty five seconds."
He asks us a few more questions that we knew he was going to ask. "It's the time lads. Introduce your new single."

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