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Zayn's pov
Might be a bit corny.I needed a way to propose.She did say,'No need for the cheesy shit.'I wouldn't take this as being cheesy.If she does,she's still going to marry me.Random idea because I didn't want to get out of bed.

Walking back into our room seeing Elena poke at her stomach.Anaíya is definitely our biggest.

"Thank you."Pregnant people get excited over food and sweets.Elena is like a kid on Christmas."You're welcome."I sat beside her laying across her smooth legs.

Getting the reaction I hoped for,tears forming in her eyes."Is this what I think it is?"Elena asked,nodding taking the ring from her.

"Elena Lynn.You are my everything.I knew the day I met you I wanted you to be my wife and Mum of my kids.
Ten long beautiful year,nearly three beautiful little girl.It will be a great honor if you continue letting me be the biggest pain in your ass and marry me?"I had to make her laugh the tears were killing me.

"Absolutely babe."I put the ring on her finger,standing up and hovering over her for a kiss.

"That was adorable."She mumbled against my lips."Stop crying."I said.

"I'm hormonal and you just proposed.
I will be crying tomorrow morning."


After last nights proposal,Elena and I both agreed to not tell anyone other then our mums and my dad.A lot is happening this year alone.Niall and Keeva getting married three months,
Harry and Maisie expecting their first baby.We don't to anything draw away from their excitement.Yeah we are expecting too and engaged.But we have two kids already and this is our second engagement.Not saying it's any less important or special.Its on fair and right.

Good weather on a Saturday during March is rare.We are taking full advantage of it.Put some burgers and steaks on the grill,Elena made a Greek salad.She was craving it so I didn't ask any questions.

"They're here and I see toys!"Amina yelled,she and Naveen have been sitting by the front window since I told them their aunt and uncle were coming.

"Can these months go by any faster.I want to meet my niece!"I heard my sister tell Elena."I just want her out so I can feel normal again."

I peeked in there not seeing Raj.The girls must've trapped him into helping them with whatever you Doniya bought them.

My sister smiled at me,setting her bags down and walking outside."Hi little brother."

"You should stick to younger brother since I tower over you."I sarcastically said,giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek."How are you?"I asked.

"Pretty good.Happy to see you two and my nieces."

"Where's Raj?"

"Putting together these car things we bought them."I looked to my sister.

"Consider it a early birthday though I order some more gifts that's way better then that thing."Doniya said.

I feel like Doniya is hiding something from me.Not sure what it is.We are pretty close so I'm hopping she does tell me soon.I don't want to worry about her.I know Raj is her husband but I'm her brother and I don't have any problem breaking his face if he did something to hurt her.

"I'm full mummy."Amina said,"Me too."They both eaten an had of a burger and a little bit of salad.

"I think you two just want to go play with your cars."Elena said,smiling to their Mum."Yes!Can we?"Amina asked looking towards me,I pointed to Elena.

"Wash your hands then you can play."Seeing them run of to the kitchen to do what Elena said,Nav stood on the stool.She's four and short.

"How long will you two be in London?"Elena asked then taking a bite of her salad.Amina and Naveen ran passed me to go to their cars.

"I'm staying while he travels."Doniya said,this is new.Since they've been married she always traveled with him.

"Why?"I asked.Elena squeezed my knee.Just as neves as me."I'm not traveling with him because my morning sickness can't handle flying anymore."

I'm going to be an uncle!My sister beautiful sister is pregnant.

"Oh my gosh!Congratulations you two."Elena said,we both got up to hug them."Thank you."

"How far along are you?"I asked,
reaching out to touch her stomach and its firm."Three months."Her lose shirt does hide it all.Kissing her cheek again.I can't stop smiling at these two.Especially my sister.Raj as well but my sister is the one carrying the baby.

"Have you told Mum?"I asked.

Doniya nodded,"She cried for an hour."Sounds like something our Mum would do.

"What are you wanting?"Elena asked,
every guy wants a boy when they're expecting their first child.Our dad thought Doniya was a boy.When they found out she was a girl he was filled with joy and when she was born it was one of the best days of his life.
Amina is our first girl and I couldn't trade her for anything.Same for Liam,
until he laid eyes on Pai fell in love with his little girl.Louis and Ant are the only friends of mine with sons.

"I want a girl to be honest."Raj said,
that might be the first time I've ever heard that.Not that I've been a dad for twenty plus years.

"With these Malik genes you might just get that."Elena said,we laughed.
Possibly true.Naveen and Amina came back to the table."Guess what?"Raj said to them.

"You bought us more toys?"Naveen asked.They've set the bar high.

"Even better.Theres a baby in my tummy."Doniya said,they did smile.
Couldn't help but laugh when they kissed her stomach."I know how the baby got in there."Amina said.


"Come again?"Doniya asked,no don't ask that!

"I know how the baby got in your tummy and mummy's.You and Unlce Raj had a special cuddle."Amina explained,Elena and Raj are holding in laughter while my sister is giving me the death look.

"Jaani,did daddy tell you that?"


"Yup."Amina answered,we bed to have a long talk about not telling anyone that.


"They asked and I didn't know where to go with it."I said,Elena doesn't plan on saving me."Don't tell nana what your dad taught you.He will get in trouble."

"I won't."Amina said,she probably won't bring it up.Naveen is the one with the lose mouth.Not on propose every four year old blurts out things.

"Can we name the baby?"Navi asked."Depends on the name.I don't want my baby being named after your favorite cartoon boo."Doniya said.

"Chip."Naveen simply said like it was a normal name."Think about a name and we will decide."


Sad to see my sister leave but I know she's happy to get to her own home.
I'm buzzing about being an Unlce.Pay back will come when I give this kid everything Doniya says no to.

Movie night with my favorite girls.
Dolphin Tale Two is the movie choice tonight.Both of them seem are obsessed with Dolphins.

"Where did you get these from?"I asked,pointing to three new necklaces in Arabic Elena is wearing.I think they are new.I love them,says mine and the girls names.

"Your sister gave them to me today.
The longest one says your name,the middle one says is Amina's and the shortest is Nav's."Elena explain,I think it settled in that I know what it says."Shut up."

"That's a bad word!"Navi said,I swear she listens to everything that goes in around her while watching cartoons

Elena said,"For you to say not me."I kissed her chin."I love you fiancé

"I sometimes love you too fiancé."
Elena said,stander answer in our relationship.

10 or more votes for the next chapter.
Also any suggestions for Harry & Maisie baby?Nothing typical I hate common names for stories.
I've already written the next chapter so it won't take long to update.JUST VOTE!

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