I do

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I'm sorry I will not be writing about the ceremony this chapter will start off about them preparing for their wedding skipping the ceremony the into the reception. Don't hate me . Pictures below.if you can play the songs it will kinda help to get the feel of the moment.

Elena's pov
Eight months ago when Zayn said he wanted to get married in January I didn't think my vision for our wedding would come alive. I had to be realistic with myself on the time schedule Zayn has given us all to hire someone to make a miracle. With our mums and their ways of getting things done, they made it happen. I pictured rose doors, pink and red roses as everyone entered the palace. In my mind it seem perfect but now actually seeing it. I'm happy I kept this idea because it's beautiful.
I'm not sure who had it done there's Z & L made out of roses on the door. I'm going to find a way to keep that.  The detail of the flower arrangements hanging from each row of chairs.
As I came to the from to see everything from this view ,I'm really impressed and happy about the outcome. I notice on the front row of the right side two roses on two chairs along with placement cards. I pick them up to read

Reserved for father of the bride Antonio Mora Jr. It's a good thing my make up isn't done yet. The other card says Reserved for mother of the bride Tawnee Khan. I didn't get on well with my mum but I think there we would've patched things up to be cordial. It's every girls dream to be given away by their dad. Ive been to plenty of weddings to see fathers give their baby girls away.  It's a major part of the father/daughter relationship. I wasn't the one to picture my wedding but I did picture my dad walking me down the isle. I know he wouldn't want me to be over emotional on this day. It will be the best attempt of my life.

I hearing Anaíya giggle makes me turn around to see her and Zayn."Oh no, you aren't suppose to be crying."He walks up to me to start wiping my face with his thumb and sleeve form his first."I appreciate you doing that."I lean in to kiss his chin.

"Well it wasn't me and Esme. I wasn't sure about doing one for your mum and Esme said we have to."Zayn says, I nod laying my head against his chest. Anaíya does the same with a little grin on her face."I missed you pretty girl."
I say to her."You two just woke up?"I ask Zayn.

"Yeah she slept for three hours." Anaíya had a rough night last night. First she woke up two hours after I laid her down then she started waking up at every hour. The best thing about Anaíya is that when she's laying between Zayn and I, she doesn't move. Once she find that comfortable position, Zayn starts humming(too tired to sing) she's perfect.

"I can't believe we are here."I say, looking around at how beautiful things turned out."We've came along ways from two silly teenagers ,who were immature and obsessed with each other to-"

"Two people who've gotten their shit together.My biggest fear through out the years is that I would loose you for good.Treats you better then I have, be there in ever way possible, be an overall good man that you deserve."Zayn says, I look up to him realizing how serious his tone is."These past five years have been the hardest on our relationship.Mainly on my part and the things I let come between us or risk what we have. As much as is scares the fuck outta me this is the next big step in our lives."

"We made it and that's all that matters babe."I say then lean in to kiss him. Anaíya did not like that at all."You are what I need in a man. I don't want anything else. Like I've always said your sperm gives me adorable babies."I say jokingly. Zayn laughs, tightening his arm around me."I don't know what I'll do with out you."

I smirk, taking Anaíya from him"You would be a lost cause without me."I say.
"That's probably true."I'm not sure if he's playing or not.But I won't go into further questioning about that.

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