Unknown Issues

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Part 1
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Elena's pov
Ok Magazine!
Niall Horan and Keeva Mac Ćarthaigh are set to marry this Sunday!

One Direction boys know how to set up a proper stag for their mate Niall.

Miami here they come!Little inside on what Niall Horan's pent house suit looks like.(picture in comments)

New! Magazine
Sources say that Keeva Mac Ćarthaigh,Niall soon to-be wife,
Harry's long time girl friend and artist Maisie Willa,Dancer Danielle Payne,Eleanor Calder (Louis Tomlinson girl friend),make artist and beauty salon owner Elena Mora are headed to Northern Ireland for a relaxing couple of days before her big day with Niall.

"That's mad."I say to Maisie,Handing her phone back.It's creepy how fast these bloggers find things out.

She nods,"I just hope everything runs smoothly on Sunday."

"I hope it does.The deserve peace during their ceremony."

Maisie and Harry flew in last night.
Myself,Zayn,Dani,Liam and our girls flew in early this morning.Since Keev planned a bit of an adult girls night Esme will be keeping Amina,Paisley and Navi.Anaíya is staying with me.She eats every two hours and I really didn't have the energy to bump bottles last night.

We did a brief rehearsal before the guys leave to Miami.Which is in thirty minutes.All went perfect.No one fell on their faces and we've all discovered that Keeva is a crazy bride.Zayn and I are fourth to walk down.Mai and Harry,Danielle and Liam then Zayn and myself.

There still is lots to do but with Jaslyn and Niall's mum here,all of it will get done.Its just basics,tables,chairs and a massive tent.

We all made our way out the drive way.Zayn hasn't let Anaíya go.This will be his first time away from her.
He's going to call the girls when he lands.They just want him to bring them back something.

I open door to the car,Zayn kisses Anaíya then places her in the carrier.
"I love you littles.Try to sleep for mummy."he climbs out and smiles at me."What?"I ask,kissing his lips.

"Nothing.You look beautiful."He says,he turns my body around so his back is to everyone and I'm closer to Anaíya."Have fun."

"I would say the same to you but things still seem a little awkward between you and Keeva."

"It is what it is.We are both grown.Theres no need to beat around the bush."I say,"I doubt we will be around each other much since they are going out tonight and tomorrow."

"You and Maisie should have a good time then.Two ladies plus and infant."Zayn says,his hand fully cups my ass."You aren't wearing-"

"Shut up I am.You just skip past them."

"Lets go!"We heard someone yell,three cars in front of us."That's your cue."

"I love you."

"I love you too."I say,sharing one last kiss before he walks away.


"Look at those cheeks."Tavi says,
"She's making me second guess going out tonight.I want to cuddle with you all night long."

"Come in my room at three."I jokingly say,"This is your break from Isaiah and Grainne."

"She's making me want a baby."The smell that just came from my baby's bum made her question."Back to mummy you go."

I gladly took my stinky baby,"Tavi doesn't love your smelly bum baby."

She kisses Anaíya,"But I love you baby girl."

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