Back to reality

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Elena's pov
That was by far my favorite trip to New York. We don't get to do things like this often since we all work and some of us have kids. There really isn't any time for girls weekends. So we all made a promise that we will get together at least every other month. It's good to get a breather from reality for a moment. We all shopped like mad women who've never shopped before, ate way too much. More importantly I left New York with two fab gowns that I love.

Now it's back to reality.. The girls have recovered from jet lag and went back to school today, bit whiny but that's the usually.I came home packed up Anaíyas' nappy bag for Marci because she's with her for the day. It was last minute and I didn't want her to go with Zayn to his interviews. But he will be picking her up  as soon as his interviews are over. It was all last minute that I asked Marci. Luckily she's here in London for the week.

"We might have to split everyone up."I say to Dash. It's Fashion week and damn near everyone are booked.
Much easier to do it last year since we didn't have our second shop open but now it's a little tricky.

"Everyone's scheduled to work today?"Dash asked.  We came in early to figure this all out.

I look at the time sheet,"Yeah. I don't think I asked them if they canceled their appointments yesterday."

"They should know to do it. That's a part of the job. Jut because we are their bosses doesn't mean we cover from them when they forget to cancel. Those are their clients.We step in when situations get out of hand not that bullshit." Dash says. I completely agree with Dash.

If I can take on anyone's clients after mine ,I gladly will but I can't and won't see them before mine. Of course I'll make sure they are comfortable.
Dash will get on everyone's case for not canceling their appointments knowing they will be out of the shop. He won't be able to take on anyone's clients because he's also working during fashion week.

"I think we should start looking through those applications again."I say. There's two free station at the other shop and Kimberley works  certain amount of hours therefor we can hire someone to work the moment she clocks out to closing. Two people will be employed, Dash and I don't have to worry about clients not being seen. Win,win for everyone.

He sighs,rubbing his hand over his face. Come back from a holiday to deal with this isn't ideals for most."Is there anyone who has a good work history? Because neither of us have the time to watch over an intern. Aj made it by the grace of God."  Aj isn't the type of intern we have to like over 24/7. She's consistent and works hard. Over the passed six months she's been able to get her own clients which is what she's suppose to do.

"I'll look through them again and show you our options."

Aj and Jolena were the first here since they are receptionist.Within the next thirty minutes everyone started to come in. Including the girls from the other shop.

I sent out an email last night saying there is a meeting so come in an hour before opening. This meeting is pretty much going over schedules and who will be where at what time. I've turned down working at fashion week. Yes it's fun and I love fashion but I have an infant I need to tend to.

"Over the next few weeks we are all busy. I can't stress this enough make sure your clients are told when you aren't in the shop because myself nor Elena will be covering you."Dash says to everyone. "Aj and Jolena will be in the shops so if you need assistance with sending out emails have them do some too."I add. Aj is good at her job but she needs more experience to be apart of something this major. Without a doubt she'll be there.

"Alright. Any questions?"Dash asks.

They shook their heads,few saying,
"Nope." Usually Teddy will add a smart comment about the models he will be around but being in relationship has changed our little Teddy.

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