Just The Beginning

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Elena's pov
I've come to the conclusion that Anaíya, my little cuddle bug is a lazy chubby baby. Getting her to crawl to where ever I am is the longest task ever. She recently started throwing herself out when I wouldn't pick her up. My arms get tired and she needs to depend on crawling not me holding her 24/7. Anaíya is eight months and has a lot of rolls, carrying her is a damaging my arm. Her weight is good for how many months she is, two or three pounds over the weights she's suppose to be but it kind of balances out.
I blame Zayn and a few others for spoiling her like this. Anaíya is in Zayns arms all the time and when he does put her down its for a few minutes then she's being held again. Even though he's against letting her cry it out ,I will gladly put her in the crib and shut the door half way. That will lead to a nap that's where she is now. Giving me time to organize my make up station.
I need a bowl and a lot of paper towels to clean my brushes. Also a bottle of water and yogurt. This diet is a struggle.

I peeked out the front door to see Zayns pull up in his black Bugatti. Setting my things on the table ,I open the door to meet him."You look like hell."I say. He gives me that smug look with a hint of tiredness.
Zayn walks up to me, giving me a little kiss on the lips."I feel like shit." I should've waited to put Anaíya down for a nap until he got here. It's weird she sleeps longer when laying with Zayn. "Did you have fun?"I ask while playing with his hair.He left with sliver hair and comes back with black hair.

"Yeah I did. I don't remember much from last night and Khalid fell down a flight of stairs." Zayn says, one Khalid can't handle his liquor and two I'm not surprised he doesn't remember anything.
"Now you both feel like shit."I giggle while walking away. Zayn follows me up stairs, checking on Anaíya. He wanted to wake her and I was going to kill him.

I have to finish what I started before going to get the girls from school which is organizing my make up. New, old, open and closed.
"What's the point in you having this same colors?"Zayn asks. I throw a brush at him for moving my things. I don't use that brush it's one I gave Anaíya to distract her.
"They aren't the same colors. They're all different levels of nudes. You should know this by now."I look at him going threw the drawer. I see Amina in him from the side.
"This isn't normal baby."

"Yes it is. I'm a makeup artist ,I like to play around with colors."I watch him flick my green glitter. I swear he's like Naveen always like to play in shit."Give that to me."

"What's all this stuff?"Zayn asks.

"Over the last ten years I've taught you nothing about makeup."I say,"This is pigments and that's primer."I say closing all the drawers before he starts playing with everything.
Zayn makes himself comfortable on the lounge chair. "I have something I want to talk to you about."Zayn says. I look at him through the mirror."What did you do?"I ask.

He lays his phone on his stomach,"We're getting married in less the four days and you think I would cheat."

"Shit happens in Vegas."I say. I'm really not trying to start an argument but like I said its Vegas and shit happens.

"Well no I didn't cheat on you."He says extremely annoyed with me."It was about my album." I guess I should have let him finish  before I start assuming the worst."What about it?"

"Would you want to move out there for the summer?"Zayn asks. L.A is where all of his albums were recorded and he loves it. His last album he lived there by himself ,the girls and I  visited every other weekend. We didn't stay in the house we own. I refused to myself or our kids step foot in that house. The best way to describe him during his single days is being a hoe. Instead of fucking these girls in a hotel or something ,he took them back to the house we were suppose to call home.

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