New York Trip

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Part 1
Work outfit • plane outfit.. Yes that's Kim K. Don't really care for her but I like pre Kanye style.

Elena's pov
These past few weeks have been a roller coaster. Traveling for photoshoots, birthday party for Safaa, Maisie's baby shower which was adorable and she revealed that they are having a little boy. Now bets going on about who will he look like. I know Maisie's side has really strong genes so who knows.

Zayn has been in New York since last Saturday and it's been a long week for me. I can't wait to hand my girls right to their dad when we land. They will be missing a day of school because we are leaving tonight. Since Zayn has been in New York, he had three deliveries. I squealed, nearly cried and smiled for hours when I opened the boxes with his permission. Three gold plaques that are dated from last year,billboard awards from this year, listing of where is album charted top ten in 60 countries. I'm proud of my baby. He worked really hard for all of this ,had to prove himself to himself. All of that got him this. I will leave it to him to hang it up.

Dash and I have been in different interviews for magazines ,promoting our new eye shadow line.He did the last one by himself since I was in maternity leave. Our last interview and shot of the day with Glamour Magazine then we can all go home.

"We need you to introduce yourselves and what's your role."Addy says, we nod then follow her to the front of the store where she wants us to stand which is in front of our Dash logo.

Aoife and Teddy are our hair and make stylist for the day. They finished touching us up and the camera guy started rolling.

"Hi I'm Elena Mora, make artist and part owner of Dash salon ,also part ceo of Melt cosmetic."I say smiling.

"I'm Dash Wyatt, I'm a hair and make up artist.Part owner of everything she named."He's been making jokes all day that has made this interviewing thing a lot easier because I'm not use to it.

She asked us many questions, some similar to the other questions we've been asked, some not.

"I love a dark eye shadow with bright lips. As you can see."I say, pointing to my face. Dash moves his hands around my face. Aoife did a dark smokey eye with a bright red lips.
Addy asked a few more questions then she was cued to ask us the last question.

"This year has been a fantastic for Dash and Melt cosmetics, will there be anymore surprise releases?"

Dash and I look at one another,"We are proud of the collections we put out this year. Each year gets better and better.As of next year,we have many things under our belts for next year. Don't sleep on us."Dash says. This business is very competitive. There's many great companies who put out amazing lines but of course I think ours is untouchable. Between the names and colors we have, it's different from all the others and we take great pride in that.

We took a few photos, they took some of the shop. I'll never discredit Aoife, she was in all of the photos too. I adore her.

After we were done. Dash and locked up this shop, he's taking the money from both shops to the bank tonight. Pay day for everyone tomorrow.

I love coming to the sound of my girls laughing and all the women I love. It's a perfect weekend for everyone. All of my ladies could make it and happy about this. It seems like everyone is in New York this passed week. Harris left days prior to Zayn leaving. Ash is bringing Frankie but like Sianna and I, kiddies are being hands over to their fathers. They only child that will be there is Anaíya. School has just started for Aja so it's not hectic, picking this weekend to travel was perfect.

I said my hellos, kissed my babies and mums. Then I quickly go up stairs to change into something comfortable. Wearing all white around my girls is a disaster waiting to happen. Hell I went a full day without ruining this outfit. I do a run through Anaíya things for the flight. I don't mind buying anything when we get there. I just need to make sure I have a enough clothes for this flight. She's an infant and we go through new clothes every two hours.

I think this is the first time anyone in this van has been in time for anything. Especially a flight. We are actually twenty minutes early. Zayn arranged for us to get on a private plane.

"Are we going to see daddy?"Amina asks me, she's sitting in the back row with Anaíya and I.Naveen is sitting next to Safaa and Esme.

"Yeah we are. He misses you girls."I say to her, then kissing her forehead.

"I miss him too. He's been gone for a week."

I knew they hate when he has to leave. But this is his first time leaving in months so it kinda balances out.
"Papa is there too."I say, Amina smiles at me."He is?"

"Yup. You guys get to show him around New York with daddy."

Amina opens her snack bag,"We can take him to the toy store with the big piano."

"I thinks that's more for you then him."I say, massaging her scalp. I took out her bun when we were in the car, let her head breath from the buns and pony tails.

"I think papa would love it."

(They left London at 7 pm & arrived to New York at 2 in the afternoon)

I wasn't lying when I said all of the kids are going with their dads. Ash had to go to Brooklyn to drop Frankie off to Harris, she should be back in a hour. Sianna went to their flat about four blocks from here to bring Lai to Danny. I just got to Zayn's door.

Amina just knocked on the door.Navi looks up to me."Is daddy here?"she asks. I don't know why Amina rolled her eyes but it won't be my problem after I leave them with Zayn.

"Yeah he is."I say, in that moment Yaser opened the door. I really am happy that Yaser came with Zayn.He prefers to stay away from all of this. He doesn't attend all of Zayn's shows due to work but Zayn knows his dad is his number one supporter. He didn't go to many shows when he was in the group but his solo shows Yaser was there and his face was priceless.

Amina and Naveen attacked their papas legs. Saying their hellos, we kissed watch on the cheek. Yaser grabs the bag off of my shoulder and I follow him in.

"Where's daddy?"Amina asks.Yaser points to the close bedroom doors."Go wake him up."

They find joy in waking Zayn up. I know they jumped all over their dad.

I smile watching Yaser playing with Anaíya."Hi gorgeous..Yeah you."her laugh is contagious."Every time I see her she looks like someone else."

"I know. But I think she might have the same eye color as Saf when she was a baby."

He nods, putting Anaíya's pacifier in her mouth."Yeah you look like aunt Saf. I think she likes that."She starts to get fussy but I don't go to get her because I know he can calm her.

"You all are going to get your dress tomorrow?"Yaser asks, getting Anaíya comfortable in his arms. Just like her sisters, she will adore him.

"I'm hoping I'll be leaving here with the dress I love."

He chuckles,"You will. From what Doniya says this lady is really good at giving brides what they look for in a dress."

"I hope Doniya is right!"I say. Zayn and the girls room their sweet time coming out of the room. I see a plastic wrap around his hand... Another tattoo that says A.N.A. Yaser looked like he didn't want to hand Anaíya over. He doesn't play when it comes to sharing them.

Amina and Naveen have planned out their whole weekend and like always these men don't mind. I gave Amina, Naveen and Yaser a hug. We all know Trisha will be down to check on them tonight.

"Have fun."Zayn holds my head in his hands,kissing my forehead."Don't worry about anything."He kisses me again."And you will have security with you so don't argue with me."He kisses me once more.

"Okay.Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too."Zayn kneels to to give Anaíya some love. Her toothless smile is adorable."Daddy loves you. Be good for mummy."

Pre hen do weekend is what Waliyha is calling this and I couldn't agree more. Everyone's comfortable in their rooms, absolutely gorgeous view of Manhattan is everything.I wouldn't mind waking up to this view everyday. When I arrived to my room, I was surprised with a lot beautiful bouquet of long stemmed roses. This weekend is getting off to a good start.

It's clear I can't wait for Zayn to release his new music!!!

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