Always Protective

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Elena's pov
I've read the last four words of that letter at least twenty times.This makes no sense to me.My dad or Esme has never mention him to me.
I've over heard their conversation and his name never came up.If my dad cheated on Esme without a doubt I'll disown the fact that he's my father.

Tapping at my window startled me,
"Babe!"Zayn said,I looked up and opened my door."What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you inside."

He became worried,"Please?"Zayn side sighed,helping me out of the car.
The gentlemen he is,Zayn carried all of the bags in the house.I closed the door on the side of the house.Hearing my girls talking in the kitchen.

"Hi mummy!"They said at once.Their excitement of seeing me will die down when I tell them to do something.

"Hi girls,what are you doing?"I smiled,side eying Zayn who's still worried.I would love to tell him right now.But I won't tell him in front of Amina and Naveen.

"Homework."Amina said,she's the only kid I know who like homework.

"Good girl,Nav?"

"I was reading a book with daddy.I read one whole page.Right daddy?"I stood behind Nav,kissing her cheek.

"Yeah.You did perfect boo."

"Are they done?"I asked Zayn,he nodded."Alright.Amina go put your homework in you folder.Don't leave it in your floor.Put it in your backpack."I instructed."Nav put your book where it belongs."

"Can we watch tv?"Amina asked.

"Yes."We watched them gather their things and go up stairs.I didn't say anything until I hear their foot steps run across the floor.

"Read this."I hand Zayn the letter.
Distracting myself,I started unpacking the bags.No reason for me to put the stuff up,I'll be cooking it soon.

"Is this true?"Zayn asked,"My guess is as good as yours."

"How do you feel about it?"

"I'm not sure.He said he's my older brother.So his Mum obviously came into my-our dads life before mine."

To know that there is a chance I have a sibling is thrilling and nerve recking at the same time.I wonder how many years is he older then me.

"Do you want to meet up with him?"

I nodded."Yeah."

"You have my support."He opened his arms,I walked over to him,laying my head on his chest."Will you come with me?"I'm too emotionally
unstable to do this alone.

Lightly chuckling,"Do you think I was letting you go alone?"I snuggled closer,kissing his neck."No."

"This is important and you won't deal with this alone.And please don't stress or overthink this.Take it in bits by bits."I smiled.He knows what I need to hear right now.Not only will this be effecting to me but Esme and Marci as well.I can't imagine what
Emmanuel is going through.All these years without knowing our dad.And he didn't even meet him.

This day really sucks and it's giving me a serious migraine.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Mummy!Where are my markers?"
Nav shouted from the top of the stairs.Not sure what's more annoying,
the house echoing or her shouting.

"They should be in your bottom drawer where your are suppose to put them."We heard say um,which means she didn't listen to my instructions.

"I will look."

"They are you're children."I said,while getting out of his grip."Oh their my kids when they ask where their things are?"

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