I'm thinking out loud

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Elena's pov
I'm a person who believes what I see instead of what I hear and I have to say ,Aj and Leona proved me wrong. I did have a little doubt in these two girls but they worked pretty well at the photo shoot. No animosity or tension which made things easier for everyone ,who knew what happened.

The shoot went perfect. Hard work and determination got Dani and a few other dancer landed them a spread in FABULOUS mag. Working for Justin Timberlake, Kylie Minogue, Katy Perry ,JLS ,Jessie J and many others is major and a blessing. But to have a spread in a popular magazine is absolutely mad! I'm a proud friend.

I love working but I love seeing my babies even more. Well two of my babies. Amina and Naveen have been passed on to Doniya now. She found out they were with her parents for three days ,wasn't please so she guilt tripped Yaser into meeting Raj half way so she could get them.

"Hi precious. Mummy misses you today."I mumbled against Anaíya's neck, leaving some kisses.

"Did you two have fun?"I ask Zayn, he shaved all of his hair off again. I hate that everything looks good on this man.

"Yeah. I tried to keep her up but she ended up taking three naps."Zayn says.

I nod, if she sleeps less during the day that will give me an extra hour or more of sleep tonight. "Did speak to your sister?"I ask. On my way home ,I was talking to Trisha and she said that Doniya has been unhappy living far away from family.

Doniya might be older but Zayn is very proactive of her. For many reason and the fact that she lives no where near us does worry him. But nothing would stop him from beating the shit out of Raj if he hurt Doniya. She is only an hour away from Bradford, being pregnant that seems like forever when you want your family close by.

"Yeah. She wants to find a place near us or back home.But Raj isn't for it. He wants to be closer to his family since she's pregnant."Zayn says, that's a bit selfish of him. Doniya is the one ,who's pregnant. She needs to feel comfortable not him.

"Not that she doesn't care for his family but she wants her own family near by. It doesn't feel right to her."

"Well he has to compromise. She's pregnant and he travels all the time. It's not fair to her."I say, while getting up to put Anaíya in her swing.

"I agree. I told her we could look for a place out here or home. Of course Doni said no ,she doesn't want to argue with Raj. Which is bullshit. If my sister wants to be around her family fucking move. She's down enough for the sake of their relationship." And that she has. I can tell thinking about this situation is pissing him off. I won't even ask what's his dad's thoughts.

"What do you want to do?"I ask, watching him think.

"I get that she doesn't want to argue with him but she needs feel comfortable and not hours away from our family."Zayn says, "I would like her to move close to home."

"Maybe a little more convincing will work."

"Or-"I gave him 'the look', last thing anyone needs is Zayn punching Raj in the face. "No."

He chuckles,shaking his head."Littles disagrees."I smile ,looking over at Anaíya. I love that the swing can't put her to sleep.

I go over to sit on Zayn's lap,"What time does the concert start?"

Our double date with Dani and Liam, is tonight. They finally told us what we are doing and that's going to an Ed Sheeran concert. The last time I heard him live was at their wedding. Memory lane for those two tonight.

"Eight."Zayn glanced at the time."So you have two hours to get ready."

"I don't take that long to get ready."He sarcastically chuckles, "Liar."

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