Tis The Season

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Elena's pov
I've been Christmas shopping since early November ,for the kids mainly because they are easy to shop for. Toys and new electronics will make them happy. For Safaa and Waliyha ,my make up queens, new makeup that will last them months and two Givenchy bags each. For Doniya, Pearla and Malena spa days ,I know they need it. Pearla moving her and the kids to London, Malena dealing with Michael and his family, once Doniya gives birth she can have a day out to herself. Zayn and his connections ,got our mums some really nice jewelry. He's also handling his dad's gifts, something I couldn't do.
As for Zayn, my boy he's been looking at Maserati for a month now. Zayns car dealer Mario really looked out for me, he got the color Zayn loves which is black and costume design interior. He normally needs longer then a month in advance but Mario got it done.
To add to Zayns collection in the garage. One more at and that place has no room, granted by his birthday that spot will be taken.

We have gotten our house in the Christmas spirit within the last forty eight hours. While I was at work ,Zayn and the girls went to pick up tree. Our decor colors are blue and white. Esme had a little bulb made for Anaíya that says,'My First Christmas' ,it matches our blue and white theme. Outside  Zayn put up the snowman and lights. Though we won't be here for Christmas I wanted to get the girls excited for Christmas.

Being at our new location all week since we hired two new girls, Heather who's an makeup artist and Lydia, hair dresser.Dash and I went through all of the resumes that we had and those two stuck out the most with a good work history. They surely do fit in with these group of girls, personality wise. Sweet girls.

I did bring Teddy here with him to help with the storage room. He has no clients today and Aj is out on a photo shoot, so he's being nice and keeping me company.

"Why do you keep reading that shit?" Teddy asks while feeding Anaíya. He would make a perfect nanny.
I never seem to learn a lesson when read bullshit these bullshit magazines.

"I have no clue.But they say she's a boy."I say while laughing, it's song what they put out.

Teddy looks at Anaíya, who's giving him the stink face."Yeah they got you fucked up,don't they? Say I'm a pretty little girl." Teddy says making me laugh.

"Stop cursing so much around her."

He shrugs,"She will start nursery school with a potty mouth."

"Her Nans' will be coming for you and not me."I say, tossing the magazine in the trash.  The best part about December is that we will be closed for two weeks. Outside of the shop we are booked to do events but the shops will be closed until after the new year.

"What are you getting Aj?"I ask.

"Diamond earrings."Teddy smiles proudly, this is probably the first time he bought a girl a gift.

"Big baller T! You two on a good path?"I ask. Teddy is like an annoying little brother. I want to choke him for the stupid shit he says but I'm also here for him without judging. I just will call him out on his shit.

"Yeah. She's a great girl. Scares the fuck out of me when she's pissed but I like it."Teddy says. I could die a happy person without knowing what turns him on.

"You're disgusting."

Teddy wipes Anaíyas mouth,"All jokes aside being with Aj makes me want to settle down. I have no clue where our future is taking us but I see something good happening."

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