I Won

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Elena's pov
I've missed being home. My home and where my heart is in Bristol because of Esme but Bradford is where loads of good memories are especially with Zayn. I honestly wish I knew where my mum was buried, no matter how shitty our relationship was I still deserve that. But her sisters don't work that way and I'm not kissing ass for an address. I did want to visit her and put flowers on her sight.That won't be happening.

"No one is here yet."Zayn says in a bit of a relief. I don't if anyone else is trying to avoid Yaminah.We all want to enjoy this dinner without her opinions for once or smart comments. It's uncalled for. I keep quite because I don't want to come across as disrespectful. I've known the Maliks for fifteen year and I try to remain respectful for the most part but Yaminah will push you. Waliyha and I are hoping Doniya hormones kick in and bite back at Yaminah. I hope she bite hard.

The smell of Trisha's cooking makes me forget about dieting. I've been really good with my diet so far,no cheating working out twice a week and only having my shakes has made some progress. I feel like I'll reach my goal by the time our wedding comes.

It didn't take long before Yaser took Anaíya to cuddle with her on the sofa. Trisha put Amina and Naveen to work in the kitchen,she bought them their own aprons love cooking and getting their hands messy in whatever she's cooking. From the looks of it she's been cooking since yesterday. Not surprised at all Trisha is dinner hosting queen.

"Dad isn't giving her up, is he?" Safaa asks. Trying to get Anaíya out of his arms will never happen.We will be taking him home with us if she gets too comfortable with being held for the next two days.

"Nope. No point in trying babe."Zayn says while eating the crisp his mum set out for the girls. She rolls her eyes.

"Are they moving in soon?"Zayn asks, referring to Doniya and Raj. There are boxes in the living area that are sent to Doniya. Myself and Safaa are positive it's a crib.

"Yeah. Tomorrow we are all going to help around.She's trying to get so much done in so little time and it's stressing her out."Trisha explains while helping Amina season the chicken. Both of them are focused.

Doniya is due in month. She's in the stage where's she's very uncomfortable and sleeping is minimal.   Trisha will more then likely have to make her lay in bed all day while we get things together. We all know her well enough to know how she wants things to be.

"We could've had this done months ago."Zayn says his slightly annoyed. Which is rightfully he's protective of her.

"I know we are all annoyed with him but for our love for Doni and Sanaa, we will let it go and enjoy helping her get the house together. None of us want to put her in a position where she feels like she would have to chose."Trisha says, looking at the three of us mainly Zayn.

I feel Zayn Tap my leg,"I won't say anything."he says.

Trisha shakes her head,"No you will be polite and have causal conversations like you have before."I need to take Trisha home with us.

Zayn sighs,"Alright."

"Will she be a Christmas gift?"Naveen asks Doniya. They've been cuddling since she and Raj arrived.

"My due date is early December not around Christmas time but we can still consider her our Christmas gift."Doniya says to her, Navi lays her head on her aunts growing boobs. Doniya convinced she's been been growing every week ,now looking at them so am I.

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