Merry Christmas

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Elena's pov
Baby Sanaa made her entrance into the world little over a week ago in a very odd way. Doniya was in the shower and felt pressure, when you're married anything is off limits especially when you're carrying. Raj looked between Doniyas legs and Sanaa's head was already out. Doniya couldn't wait because she started feeling contraction shortly after. My niece slash god baby was born at home. They were brought to the hospital, private room they were comfortable for the time they were there. Sanaa weighed eight pounds ,four oz. She is a great mixture between Doniya and Raj, head full of dark brown hair and bright brown eyes. She is the perfect Christmas gift to everyone ,especially Doniya and Raj.

Once Trisha knew Doniya and Sanaa were settled in at home ,she set up a photo shoot for the girls. Started off with one doing a Christmas photo,now it's four beauties. Very convenient for it to be at home because it's too cold for Sanaa to be out.

Luck was on our side when Anaíya and Sanaa smiles at the same time. No one thought we would get one, Yaser started jingling toys and made a few noises and we got a shot.

Trisha was t the only nan doing Christmas photos. Esme had my three and Emmanuel's do one as well.   It made her extremely happy having that done. Massive photo in her family room of the five of them. It's been a year of surprising news. Some would've looked at this a lot differently but Esme and I didn't. When we look at Emmanuel ,we see our dad it's freaky how much he looks like him. Of course Esme is happy to have Emmanuel and Pearla, but she's really happy to have more grandkids. That's all she wants more grandkids to spoil.

Zayn and I left Naveen and Anaíya with Safaa, while we got Emmanuel, Pearla and the boys to our house. I was strongly against getting a house here because I knew we would never stay and I was right ,we bought it two years ago and the only thing we've done is decorate.Two days ago I had everything turned on. The bills for this house will be really low.

"I think this might be the first Christmas Emmanuel has enjoyed since Glo passed."Pearla says, "But having more of his family around him and the boys is really making it feel like Glo is still here." I'm touched. I definitely do understand how he feels. The first Christmas without my dad wasn't as joyful, Esme and I pulled it together for Amina. Being around more love ones and friends of his ,we got our Christmas spirit back.

"It's far from easy. Losing a parents at  any age is hard. I know you've played a massive part in his healing process."I say, she smiles.Emmanuel adores her,showing their boys how to treat a woman. "We are all happy to have you guys here."

"Thank you. He's happy to get away from my family as much as I love them ,they are a bit much when we need them to slow things down."

He told me a story about last years Christmas festivities that went down hill. He just wanted to be with Pearla and the boys, Christmas Eve night Pearla's parents and all of her sisters showed up, didn't leave until after the new year. I wasn't there and I felt bad.

"This will be new memories made."I say. I honestly didn't know what to say without offending her or her family.


"Who insisted on buying all of this shit?"Zayn asks. It's two a.m and we are just started wrapping gifts. We could've started right after Naveen and Amina went to sleep ,but he decided to fall asleep after reading them a story.

"Most of this doesn't have to be wrapped. The clothes can go in the bags, mainly the things that are already in boxes."I say, majority of this stuff is inboxes.

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