Lets Talk Business

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Elena's pov
Being at the shop before everyone is really peaceful. I can get things done without anyone asking a million questions, sort things off, get emails answers and restock the stock room. I'm letting Jolena slide for not doing this yesterday because she was at a shoot with Dash yesterday. Though I would've expected someone else to do it. I don't feel like jumping on anyone today so I'm going to let everyone slide on this. From what I saw everyone is booked today ,clients back to back. I'm not complaining. Especially now that wall is done band we have no pipe issues. I'm relieved it's. Putting thousands and thousands of dollars into the same problem.  
I laugh hearing Anaíya follow me to the kitchen in her walker. "Want a banana baby girl."  I peal the banana to give her half and I take the other half. Once again she follow me back into my office, I take her out to sit her in the play pin. If I let her run around with that in her hand, bananas will be every where. Like her sisters, Micky mouse keeps her quite for a little while.

Being the nosey person I am, I looked into why the girls took my phone and lap top on our last day in Anguilla. Apparently there were paps on the island that we went to that wasn't private. The things they wrote about me were horrible!Pointing out the things I hate about myself  right now which is my stomach and a tad insecure about my thighs. Saying with all the money Zayn is worth ,I should've gotten some work done,resemble cottage cheese,too much cellulite. Of course my breast change over the years due to have three kids, a comment was made about me needing a breast lift. That didn't bother me because I actually love my breast. But the others one did since I'm trying lose weight to fit into my dress. I was hurt a little then Zayn talked to me before he left and made me promise to not let this effect me, to love my body not just because it carried out girls but for me. His little pep talk and sex made me feel better. I don't think people realize how their negative comments can actually effect a persons life. If  I wasn't confident in who I am, I would've felt like shit.But I don't! Though I'm on this diet and feel like I'm starving myself, I love my body.

I look at the security cam to see Dash walk in. Perks of this camera is that we can see when Teddy is fucking with people. "Morning pretty girl."Dash says to Anaíya ,who was laying down until he picked her up. I stand up to give him a hug,"You're here early."Dash says.

I look around,"Yeah. I had to get some things done. It's kinda peaceful when no one is here."I say.
"Give it two hours this place and all you will hear is blow dryers going."Dash says, he filled me in one what's been going between both shops. We have an interview with Vogue coming up and Lucky magazine which is exciting.

"So I was thinking."Dash says, the last time Dash said that he convinced me to open another shop."We should branch out our locations."

I give him the look that I'm sure Savannah give him daily,"Where is this vision of a new location Mr Wyatt?"

He smiles..Again this same damn smirk that got us two shops."Beautiful..Sunny California."Dash says. This idea doesn't sound terrible expanding our business is fucking amazing. The more who knows our name, more clients will come our way. Him and I have plenty of connections there which is a plus. But for two people with a family it's a big decision.

"I won't lie ,I love this idea."I say,"But how are we going to do this?"

Dash plans everything out ,detail by detail when it comes to our business. Don't get me wrong I'm the same way but more so when it comes to our product. His brains is what got us some good deals."You and Zayn are in L.A more then anyone I know."Dash says, L.A is a second home for us.  Zayn has been there more frequently then I due to the kids but it's definitely home for our family."You,myself and Aoif can come out for to find a great location.Sit down with some designers to make Dash, Dash." Aoife is now part owner of Dash with us. It's only right to put it on paper because she gives it her all.There when anyone needs her, great business woman and damn good at her job. Above all, Dash and I trust Aoife because she has the same mind set as we do.
This is what I was talking about when j said he has this planned out."Who will we leave in charge while all three of us are gone?"I ask.

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