Answer (Zayn)

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Living Room:
How does the character spend weekends?
Tries to spend his weekends in bed doing absolutely nothing but Amian and Naveen won't allow that. So his weekends are spent building Barbie houses ,teaching them how to ride their bikes, taking them in walks to the park with Elena and Anaíya.

What kind of movies does the character watch?

Action but also loves a good comics movie.
The Dark Night Rises and Scarface.

What do they do with friends?
Occasionally goes to the club with Harris, Khalid, Ant , Liam and Jawaad.
That's a every blue moon club visit. Or if a friend is celebrating their birthday at a club ,him and Elena would both go.

What's their favourite pasttime?

Drawing ,being with his daughters or Elena.

What's their favourite TV show/Film?
Though Elena doesn't care for the show.They always end up watch reruns of family guy.

How does the character prepare in the morning?
Dreading getting out of bed but he has to since Elena took his night shift...Once again.

Do they sing in the shower?
More like hums different love songs to Elena after having sex.

What kind of hair product/make-up do they use?
Blow dryer, hair wax/gel, and hair spray.

How clean is this character?
He cleans but hates cleaning. He will bribe Amina and Naveen to clean up before Elena gets home from work.

Does the character have thousands of shampoo/shower gel bottles by the shower, or do they use only the bare essentials?

Yes,Elena will say more then him but that's debatable.

How does this character sleep? (Position, sleeping habits, bedtime routines)

He like Elena to be close but not always physically touching each other. Sleeps in his stomach. On a bad or stressful day he likes to hold her. His sleeping habits is that he sleeps really and misses his night shift with Anaíya.

What are their pyjamas like?
He sleeps in briefs. Depending on if he took a shower before going to bed then he might put on his sweat shorts. No shirt.

What do they dream about usually?
Recently he's been having bad dreams about their wedding going wrong.(That's a hint to more drama coming)

How neat/tidy is this character?
For the most part Zayn's pretty tidy. His side of the closet is neat, keeps his art room in order, no clutter. As well as his plaque room that next door to his art room.

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