If you're happy, I'm happy.

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Short filler. Bless the Malik genes!!
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Zayn's pov
I like my sisters boy friends until they start to fuck up. Adam has his slips here and there but doesn't push it to the limit where I need to punch him in the face. Like any relationship they argue but he makes sure Waliyha is comfortable. Doniya doesn't tell me the things her and Raj go through for the sake of me not liking him.She wants me to like him and I do. Until he started putting up a fight about moving me sister and niece back to Bradford. Yes marriage is about compromise and all that other shit but not making the woman, who's carrying your child happy is fucking mad. It's different from when they first got married and moved to Blackpool, but now she needs to be around our mum. She has all the concerns that first time mums should have and want answers from our mum and her only.

Elena wanted to keep Anaíya with her today but since my day was clear, I convinced her to let me Anaíya come with me to Blackpool. She came to London yesterday but she's staying with Waliyha.

I pull in to the drive way of Waliyha's, her car isn't here as it shouldn't be. She has a class today. I get out when I see my sister open the front door.

"We're hungry."She says, while locking the door. I think this is the only thing I don't miss about Elena being pregnant. 24/7 cravings schedule in itself..

I open her door for her, figured I'll be polite since she's pregnant."You're loving today."She rolls her eyes when I said that. I close her door going back to my side.

"Should I sit back there with her?" Doniya asks.

I shake my head no,"I can see her through that mirror." Elena and I aren't always with each other so we had to find something to help us watch her when we drive.

She reaches back there and starts playing with her feet,my little girl starts giggling."Anaíya."
We make conversation all the way to the restaurant. The girls, Safaa's surprise birthday party that she and Waliyha are planning and we have to stop by Dash to see Elena.

She wanted Italian food so here we are at an Italian restaurant. It's not packed ,thankfully we were seated pretty quickly.

We ordered our drinks and a appetizer.I let her chose everything.

"Have you guys figured the moving situation?"I ask.

"He would prefer to stay there but I'm not happy. Don't get me wrong I love his family and all but I miss our family.  To be honest I don't want to raise her there. He's gone often and I'll need mum with me."Doniya explains,"It's not fair to Saf since I'll be asking mum to be four hours away."
I agree though I'm sure Saf wouldn't mind our mum being with Doniya after she has our niece. But the moral to this whole thing is that Doniya isn't happy there.

"Have you guys started looking for places?"

She nods, that surprises me."Yeah lovely town house. Not too far away from mum and dad."

I give Anaíya her squashy toy,"Dad might move in if you're that close."
Knowing my mum, she might've tried to keep Doniya not being happy in Blackpool to avoid our dad taken things into his own hands and moving Doniya home.

"Yeah I know."Doniya looks around."I don't want you or dad to have bad feelings for Rah. He is a good man."

I don't think he's a good man. He just does things that frustrates me. Everyone ,including myself knows that Doniya is the best thing that ever happened to him. My dad will say the same about himself and my mum. Same goes for Elena and I. I wouldn't be half of the man I am if it wasn't for Lena."I don't disagree but I think it's bullshit that he hasn't moved you guys back to Bradford. You've lived there for four years now ,it won't kill him to go where you want to live.He should be going above and beyond to make you happy."I say."Or you could move here."I take Anaíya out to let her stretch.

"That is an option for us. It depends on whatever location they can transfer him to." Doniya says. We drop the subject when the waiter comes with our food. We politely say thank you and he leaves.

"You know I'll get you a place with or without him."I say.

"I know but I don't want you to."

"My niece will be around our family.I want you to be comfortable and happy at this point that's all that matters."I smile at her while she loves on Anaíya. She will be a great mum.

"It will all work out. More then likely we will be back home. I'll be happy with either."

"If you're happy, I'm happy."

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