Trip to see Esme.

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Elena's pov
Instead of Esme bringing the girls to me,I decided I needed a break from London and came to Bristol early this morning.I missed her and my babies,getting a proper Esme breakfast was pure bliss

Warm day for Amina and Nav to go swimming in the pool Esme bought them.Spoilt little girls."So why aren't you talking to everyone?"

She wasn't very detailed with her questioned but I knew exactly what she was talking about."I am."

"Elena Lynn Mora,you know what I'm talking about.Don't play those games with me."

Keev told her sister what happened then Tav told their mum.No one on my side clearly."They were rude to Travis for no reason.Giving him the third degree like it's needed."

"They're probably looking out for you babe.Those are you friends,things like this will happen."

I completely disagree."I was there for Mai when she and Harry were going through their little break up.I never once bad mouth Danny or Khalid for any of the bs they put Sianna and Aja through.Its not my place."

"You never held on to anger like this especially against them.It's not like you sweetheart."

"I agree but never was I rude to them or went out of my way to make the guys feel uncomfortable."Esme and I both laughed as the girls wet out feet."Thank you."

"To be honest I'm not annoyed with the girls more so the guys and Zayn for having that stupid smirk on his face."I made sure I whispered Zayns name,never in a million years would I bad mouth him in front of the girls.

"You have to understand that he will always worry about who his daughters are around."I get that Esme is trying to be neutral here but this is ridiculous.

"He's been in other relationship and I wasn't a bitch to his ex girl friends.I trusted his word."When I shouldn't have since the bitch hit my daughter.

"Nena,talk to them.They love you and probably are sorry and ashamed for how they acted as they should be."I laid my head on her shoulder,
Esme gave me a little kiss."You miss them.Travis is a lovely lad but you can only force him to go shopping with some many times before he gets tired of it babe."I giggled."I'll talk to them."

"Mummy you can't lay on our Meme."Amina said,these kids are possessive.

"I'm her first born."I playfully teased,they're definitely her babies.

The girls don't know about my biological mum nor will they ever know about her.They've been around Esme all their life's and know her as my mum and their meme(grandma).

"So we are her babies mummy."Nav argued."Right meme?"Amina asked."You all are my babies.I love each of you very much."

"We love you too."I kissed her cheek,seconds later we had two little wet bodies on us."Lets get you two dress so we can go to the market for dinner."

"What are you making?"I smirked,hoping she's making my favorite meal.

"Pastelón de Plátanos."

"Yes!With Tostones?"When I'm home,I request a lot and a home cooked meal is a most."Mummy wants so much from me."Esme said to the girls,who laughed.She kissed my cheek."Yes my baby."

I came to the girls room,I remember when my dad painted this room for Amina.Still the same theme just two beds in here now."Well don't you two look beautiful."She had them in matching sun dresses and slip ons."Thank you."

"Alright we will be back,in an hour or so.I need you to boil some water low light and use the red pot,it's big enough."Esme instructed,"Also call your friends,they miss you babe."

Doing what I was told,I was happy about breakfast now I can't wait for dinner.Food lover for life!

I sat to the dinning room table with my lap top.Before I could even call anyone,Sianna's name popped up.

"I'm so happy to see your face!"She's nearly in tears,I feel bad now.Tad bit."Hi babe,alright?"

"Now I am.Im sorry about what happened.They were all out of line and want to see you and Travis to apologize."

"That's not going to happen but I'll surely pass on the massage to Travis."

"He hates us doesn't he?"I laughed,"No,I can say that will probably be the last time he's around the guys.Well Khalid,Danny,Louis and Harry."I finished eating a frozen grape,"I'm sorry babe,he really is a sweetheart and you seem happy."

"I am,he's something new for me.No drama or fighting,enjoying each other's company.Its new and amazing."

"Hows the sex?"I missed my friend and her wild questions."We haven't gotten that far."

"Well damn."

"I didn't give it up to Zayn that easy,six months then I'll consider it."Travis and I talked about things like this.He has no problem with it,if we last more then six months then we will move up a next in this relationship.

"That's true,I'm happy for you and we are all sorry."

"It's fine,catch up with you guys when I'm back in London."She frowned in confusion."I'm in Bristol."

"Ooh,tell Esme I said hi and yes we will all meet up over drinks."

"My girl,bye love."I closed my lap too,though they all annoyed the living hell out of me,I'm happy to be back in good terms with her.Khalid and Danny are stuck in that mind state,that I'm suppose to be with Zayn.I expected a little smart ass comment from Louis but not Harry.Its all a mess that I hope can get fix,I won't them all to fully understand Zayn and I are over,not getting back together,completely done!

Later on in the evening,the girls and I helped Esme with dinner.Then enjoyed it.Its now their favorite but I can't make it of my life depended on it.

"Alright girls,go give Esme her kisses."Taking their baths,changing into fresh pajamas and braiding their hair in two big tails."Okay!"

As the ran off Zayn called,the last thing I want to see is his face."Hey."

"Hi,they will be back in a second.Telling Esme good night."He nodded,I avoided looking at my screen.Thankfully they came back a minute later."Hi daddy!"Jumping on the bed once they saw his face."My girls,having fun at Memes?"

"Yes!We went swimming and made Pastelón de Plátanos."I high five Amina for pronouncing it correctly."And brownies for dessert."Nav added,she loves brownies.

"Memes brownies are the best."Zayn said,"They are.Theres a big pan for us to bring home."I would hope they will be tired of brownies by the time they eat devour them but I highly doubt it.

"Will you two be nice enough to save me one?"

"Of course!"They managed to say at once."I miss and love you two loads and can't wait to have a long cuddle."They giggled,cuddle,watch films and eat snacks is a routine for them.

"We love you more."Amina said,Navi laughed while agreeing."I don't think so Jaan.I live for you two."

"We live for you daddy!"Nav countered,I even laughed."Cutie.Sleep well and be good."

"You two!"Amina said."Bye!"They are so cute with him.Once I ended the call and closer my lap top.I tucked the girls in bed."I love you both."

"I love you too mummy."Amina said getting a hold of Navs hand."I love too mummy."

Ending my day by hearing those five words is priceless.Nothing I can ever do can compare to that.Ever!

This was a difficult chapter to write because I didn't know where I wanted to go with it so I ended up erasing everything I wrote and I winged it.To be honest.Sorry if it's shit!

Does anyone know how to add the pictures on the side or the top,since it changed?Please help.

Uhh comment vote,do both!

Until next time people...8)

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