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Elena's pov
These passed few weeks have been very hectic.Planning Naveen's birthday party,making sure things are good at both of the shops is more stressful then I thought it would be.Inventory is a bitch when people pay attention to my emails.

Esme went on a trip collecting her grandkids.She stayed a few days with Emmanuel and Pearla.From what Pearla says,Chase and Sonny completely forgot about them.Esme had them doing everything.She's their Meme as well and Emmanuel says they adore her.When I called Pearla to figure out when we could get the kids together.Didn't really work since she works and making a hour and thirty minute drive with a infant just didn't work for me. Esme made our life's easier.Making a road trip with the boys to come get my girls.Esme has all four of them.They are all coming back to our house satisfy morning for Naveen's party.

Today I'm spending the day with Trisha,Doniya and their aunts.House filled with Malik women,including my own.They haven't met Anaíya which is odd because they all met Amina and Naveen with in the first week after I had them.Plus Doniya wants me to do her make up.

"Hey pretty girl."Zayn says to Anaíya, who's smiling at him.I quickly grab my phone to take some pictures.I need to download these to my lap top and print them out before Naveen gets ahold of my phone.

"Are you staying with us today?"I ask.

He looks at me,grinning."Um no."
Zayn then pecks my lips."If my dad or Raj came I would go."

"Me being there won't be enough?"I jokingly ask.He's going to be a smart ass.

He chuckles."I'm not sure how to answer that without getting slapped. So I'll be quite."I roll my eyes.We finish our breakfast that Zayn picked up from the cafe.My usual banana muffin and chocolate chip frappe.
He got a blueberry muffin and coffee.

We all had great timing.As soon as I dumped our trash the doorbell rang.
Zayn got up to get the door leaving me and our little bean alone.If she only knew the amount of kisses she is about to receive.Poor thing.

I hear all of their voices.Trisha questions Zayn on where I was.One of his aunts complementing him on a picture of the girls.They finally get to the kitchen.Doniya was the last person I got to hug and Trisha was the first.His aunts are always lovely to be around.

"Look at her."Maryum gushes over our little girl."Zayn had cheeks like this."She says,I look up to Zayn who's smiling.Soon he will quietly make his way out of here.

"Little sweet Anaíya."Doniya says. Giving her niece a little kiss.She will be having her own sweet little girl soon.

"When did you go burgundy?"Zileh asks.

"About a month go now."I answer, while laying out different eye shadows,lip sticks and foundations for Doniya.

Anaíya seem to react better then I thought with everyone passenger her around.She did get a little fussy but Zayn calmed her down.Something about his touch did the job.Right after he left.I guess he thought his job was done.

"You're nana has you."Sarwat says to Anaíya,kissing her cheeks."Yes she does precious."Anaíya smile a little.

I turn my attention back to Doniya who just sat down with a bowl of blueberries.She told me she was craving them so I had Zayn pick some up from the market.

"Smokey cat eye with red lip."Doniya says.I see she's already picked out what she wants."Mind if I blend two reds?"

"You're the pro at this not me.I'm sure I'll love it."Doniya says,if it wasn't for her, Aja, Sianna and Ashlyn, I would never had anyone to practice on when I started taking doing make up for a living serious. Practice makes perfect.

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