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Hey guys!!!! I'm soooo sorryyyy this is coming waayyy late!!! I really didn't want to give you guys a really short chapter so I had to extend it a bit. I hope by next week, the chapter would be longer than this and the previous ones, by God's grace!!! I'm really really really sorryyyy once again!!! Please forgive me!!! Thank you for your patience!!!! God bless you all!!!! Have a great read guys and stay blessed!!!


I knew immediately I had stepped into the big hallway of Crystal High that my life was no longer going to be the same in this school. I could still have dealt with the fact that I was the bullies' slave whose private life was still well hidden.

But the endless pointing and whisperings made me know that not only did the status of my dad get revealed, pretty much of the  details of my Christmas and New year holidays were out in the open for the student body to feed on. Not only was I not exactly mentally prepared for this new found 'popularity', I also didn't know what exactly to expect.

How was the student body taking it? Some had been bold enough to say hi to me, some offered small smiles while some either stared curiously, frowned or glared. But much more of concern was, how would the bullies eventually make them take it? Their slave had a potential, by virtue of her father's status, to be equal in rank with them. There was only one person's reaction I knew of and he was furious!

To say the least!

"I thought only Sam put those pictures on his posts!" Caleb snapped furiously at Shayne. Caleb had summoned a number of us, to the basketball court, during lunch. By a number of us, I meant the male bullies, Shayne and me. Apparently, the attention I was getting was too much for him to bear and somehow I knew Natalie was also bothered about it. Shayne rolled his eyes.

"It's not my fault you haven't been active on your Instagram, now, is it?"

"For crying out loud, Shayne. We have a reputation to keep in this school." Caleb snapped. "I don't care if you're friends with her but stop including her in things that pertain to us."

"That's ridiculous, Caleb!" Shayne glared.

"What's going on?" A voice suddenly called. I turned my head to see Carlos walking to us. I noticed he had a headphone about his neck and I immediately knew he had come here expecting to be alone but found us here. From the few years I got to know Carlos, I discovered listening to music was how he distracted himself whenever he was bothered about something. Which made me stare at him curiously.

"Great! Here he comes." Caleb said, sarcastically. "None of your business, man." Carlos lifted an eyebrow.

"Are you being serious?" He said, standing beside me.

"For crying out loud, why are you guys taking her side?" Caleb groaned, glaring hard at me. I didn't flinch. If I could hold Carlos's gaze, I definitely could handle this all-too-famiar glare.

"Cos we have no reason not to, Caleb." Shayne said, desperation a bit evident in his voice. It was like he was almost pleading with Caleb to accept me like they do. I shook my head, not liking the fact that they were disagreeing because of me.

"Okay, okay. I'll pipe low or something. It's not like I wanted the attention anyway. My plan was to be low-key in this school." I said, exasperatedly.

"And yet, here you are." Caleb sneered. I pinched the bridge of my nose before glancing at the remaining bullies. I noticed Drew had his headphones plugged in while Ethan typed away on his phone. Although our eyes did meet and he gave me a wink making me know he was on my side. Ryan, on the other hand, watched in amusement. He had his arms crossed and a slight smirk as he listened.

The Bullies' Slave 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin