Chapter 55: Brazilian Encounter

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Kyra's POV

I sat in the middle row of a local movie theatre in darkness. It had already been four amazing days in Rio de Janeiro and I was loving every bit of it. I loved all the undivided attention Jayden gave me, official romantic dates and mind blowing pleasure.

He was by far the most romantic husband I knew who could go out of his way to make me laugh, giggle, swoon and love him even harder. I could feel his love as if he was madly in love with me. It was either part of my illusions or it was really happening, but he just hadn't told me the three magical words yet.

We were done with all work related stuff and the following day, a Saturday, we'd fly back to New York in the evening. Jayden was out with his Brazilian friends on a bachelor's party. I knew the guy and he seemed pretty decent and close to Jayden. Jay promised not to get drunk and not to hook up with a stripper.

If anything at all, I had learnt to trust him more than ever. He never made me feel insecure by flirting with other women or staring at other women. He stood by me and we traveled to all amazing places together.

He posted me more on his social media pages and that made me feel really special. We had been apart for less than an hour, but I already missed him. It was just six and he'd be back by ten. My movie would end before nine so I'd be in our luxurious hotel suite earlier than him.

I wanted to decorate the room romantically for us and have fun with him. My drinking capacity was higher now and I could finish a bottle of champagne with a low alcohol percentage without getting wasted so we drank together more often now.

I was beginning to regret deciding on coming to watch this movie. I expected the theatre to be full of people, but to my surprise, I was all alone with a man sitting silently a seat away from mine. I couldn't see his face as it was buried inside his black Nike cap.

The movie had just started. I had a bucket of popcorn with me and I munched slowly on the popcorn. My eyes were glued to the screen, but they wanted to wander to the stranger next to me. He looked depressed, cold and lonely. Was I even safe with this stranger in such a dark and closed room?

My nervousness intensified when I realised we were watching 365 Days. I had watched that movie before and I knew its content. I was sure I hadn't booked a ticket for this movie. I was in the mood for some Nicolas Cage action and not a movie like that with a stranger.

There must have been a mistake somewhere. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I looked back at the exit to see if I could see any security and ask if I was in the correct theatre or if there had been a mix up of the movies. It was too dark to see anything or anyone.

When I turned back to the screen, my heart pounded. From my peripheral vision, I could see the stranger had shifted his seat to sit next to me. I didn't even hear him move. I nearly fainted from shock.

"I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" he asked in a deep manly voice that boasted a thick English accent.

"No. You didn't scare me. You nearly gave me a heart attack. That was so swift and silent," I replied, taking deep breaths.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. You can calm down now. I'm definitely not going to harm you in any way." His words didn't calm me at all. They only made me much more terrified. My breathing became ragged and I started sweating.

"Are you okay? Do you need water?" he asked me calmly.

"I'm claustrophobic. I suddenly feel conscious of my environment. I expected this theatre to be full of people and the movie isn't the one I was here for. I think I should leave."

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