Cuddles (Fluff)

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3rd Person POV

It was a hot sunny morning in Konoha, Naruto, a happy sun-kissed blonde haired boy was waking up. The blonde yawned squinting at the light coming from the window in his shared bedroom with no other then Sasuke Uchiha, his boyfriend who he was laying on top of at the moment. He quickly looks away from the window, the brightness of the morning sun hurt his eyes. He lays his head back down on the ravenettes chest to tired to get up, the blonde was training day and night until Sasuke dragged him inside their shared house and made him sleep for once in a few days.
Sasukes POV

I woke up from a lost of warmth on my chest but it came back again, I quickly opened my eyes then shut them back in a flash from the light of the window. I opened my onyx eyes and let them adjust to the light for a few seconds before looking down at my chest, I see Naruto my dobe laying on my chest with an arm blocking the light from connecting with his ocean blue eyes. He looked at me then blushed a little then closed his eyes, he put his arms around my torso I knew he wanted to cuddle and I wasn't complaining. I put my arms around his waist protectively I sat up making him sit up also. I kissed his nose then laid back down with him giggling while a he had a tint of blush on his cheeks. We just cuddled the whole day until we got hungry or had to go to the bathroom.

This was my first oneshot ever or story on here if you have any tips I will gladly take them I'm on spring break so I will get a lot of one shots in hopefully this week. Have a good day! I know this is short but it's my first one I'll try to make them longer I just wanted to get atleast a oneshot in this story

Sasunaru OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora