Locker Room (Fluff)

159 3 0

(Wrestling AU)
(OOC Probably)
3rd Person POV

Naruto had just gotten done with a match he had tonight. Against Itachi. His former tag team partner, whom he betrayed.

He had been hurt to say the least, blood running down his head. Naruto wiped it, hissing at the shower of pain running through his body.

He took a deep breath, trying to mask his pain. Naruto was not in her locker room yet. He just had to get there. The other members of  'Team Seven' weren't there that night. Naruto was relieved as he didn't want them to see him so vulnerable.

He swayed a bit, getting dizzy. He must have been loosing a bunch of blood. Naruto grabbed the wall and started speed walking as fast as he could to the locker room.

Naruto slammed the door open, not even noticing the figure who was in the corner, waiting for him. Naruto slammed the door shut, locking it.

He walked to the vanity, seeing himself in the mirror made him frown. He still hadn't noticed the figure in the corner. Naruto went to stand up, swaying again. He grabbed the vanity quickly, trying to regain balance.

The dizziness didn't go away, as Naruto fell back into the chair. He whimpered out in pain. Sasuke quickly came over to him. Not being able to stay still anymore.

"Are you okay, Naru?" He asked the other.

He startled Naruto, he didn't realize somebody was in the room. He nodded to fast. He let the non-bleeding side of his head lean against him.

"First aid-kit...please.." Naruto whispered, barely coherent. He understood him though. Sasuke walked over to the closet, grabbing the first aid-kit. He opened it.

He started assessing to the wound, he hissed out in pain at the contact of the liquid to the wound.

Sasuke started saying sweet nothings into his ear as he continued to help him.

As he finished, he kissed her forehead. Naruto leaned into the touch, the warmth he felt radiating off of him.

He wanted more.. Needed more.

Naruto whined as he got up, putting the first aid kit back. Sasuke walked back over to him, picking him up and laying them on the couch.

He went back in the closet, grabbing some comfortable clothes for them. As he came back, his eyes started to close.

"Hey, hey. I am going to change you, okay?" He whispered wanting him to tell him that was okay for him to do.

Naruto gave him an affirming noise as he fell asleep, he changed him into his favorite clothes, pajama pants that had skulls on them and one of his black hoodies.

He changed into something more comfortable himself, he sighed at the softness of the clothes.

As he finally got settled back in, the door slammed open. He was alarmed, standing in-front of Naruto.

Sakura and Hinata walked in, relaxing as they saw the couple. They gave him a tiny teasing look, he gratefully, jokingly punched them both in the stomach.

Naruto woke up from the noise, groaning. He squinted his blue eyes open a bit. He relaxed visibly at the sight of his two best friends and his boyfriend.

He grabbed Sasuke's hand, making him lay down on the couch. He crawled on top of him. Naruto laid his head down on his chest, by his heart. Hearing his heartbeat.

It calmed him down, he figured out. Sasuke wrapped an arm around his waist and one on his back, protectively.

"He gonna be okay?" Hinata asked, worried for her friend.

"Yea, Naru will be fine. Just hope that it doesn't happen again. Lucky I was here. He kept swaying and was really dizzy. And there was so much blood." Sasuke explained, he didn't wanna get into anymore detail, tired.

The other two nodded understanding he didn't wanna talk about it. They gave him a look. He nodded and they walked out, locking the door behind them.

Sasuke slid down further into the couch, he felt Naruto stir a bit before staying still. He stroked his hair, knowing he would be okay, he kissed his temple, he continued to run his hands through Naruto's hair as he fell asleep.
Hi guys!! Wow I actually updated this... I am so sorry for the lack of activeness? I don't think that's a word.. But anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter please let me know of any mistakes. I won't be rude about it!! And you guys should totally like watch Harry Potter movies... I have been addicted lately and it's bad because I love Sirius and I kin him and I know he dies and anwyasss you guys should watch it but yk like fuck JK Rowling yk? Yea okay guys but really do watch it and enjoy this and I might make like Harry Potter AU one shots. Stay safe and hydrated!!! <3 (Also tell me if you do watch Harry Potter who your favorite characters are. Dumbledore and like Voldemort slander is welcome of course. :)...)

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