Gas Station (Fluff)

176 3 3

(Modern AU)


3rd Person POV

Naruto Uzumaki a, 21-year-old that lived in a town called "Konoha." He was on his way to his boyfriend's house, his boyfriends name was, Sasuke Uchiha. He was driving in his orange with black stripes convertible, his sun-kissed hair flowing in the wind because he had the top of his car off. His ocean blue eyes glowing in the night. Naruto realized he needed gas. He remembered there was a gas station five minutes ahead. He only remembered because he took this road so many times to see his boyfriend. He looked at his gas trying to adjust his eyes on the glowing red numbers and words, from looking at the night black grey-Ish sky's the blondes eyes took a while to adjust. 

  He realized he could make it there; he sped up a little not going over the speed limit, which was on a sign that he passed by, and it glowed from his headlights for a second then stopped when he passed it. Naruto made it to the gas station named "Hyūga". The sign glowed red and a tint of yellow in the growing night. ..... The blonde drove into the gas station parking lot, squinting his eyes at the brightness of the glowing sign. 

 He turned to the right to a gas tank, Uzumaki got out of his car slowly. He stretched as he took a few steps from his car, Naruto grabbed his wallet and walked inside, he knew he had to pay inside since people tried to steal the gas for some reason he didn't know of. There he saw his dark purple haired friend with violet eyes glowing somewhat with bags under her eyes. "Hey Hinata," the blonde said. The said girl looked up stunned seeing her blonde friend here at 1:29 AM, "Oh hey Naruto what brings you here?" Hinata Said. 

 Naruto gave her his card while speaking "I'm going to Sasuke's house, but I needed gas so here I am" the Uzumaki said while taking his card back after she swiped it. "Oh well good luck out there and be careful Sakura will scold you for doing something reckless while Sasuke will just annoy you asking if you're okay until you finally show him, you're clearly okay and he still won't believe you since he is overprotective" the dark purple haired friend said. "Ok, ok I get it I'll be careful bye Hinata also stay safe" the blonde said walking out accidentally hitting his foot on the door, he glared at Hinata seeing her through the glass door that reflected the glowing sign, seeing her laugh. He walked back to his car to the gas tank putting it in the blonde waits a few seconds and sees nothing happening. Naruto goes back inside making sure not to hit the door, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of his friend again. "The gas tank isn't working, Hinata." 

The blonde says, grabbing Hinata's attention. "Oh, let me check it out" she says walking out with him following behind her. She checks it out and checks the other gas tanks seeing they're frozen inside for some reason not letting gas come out, "Sorry Naruto but all the gas tanks are frozen I knew it was cold but not this cold, you have to find another way to Sasuke's house sorry I can't help you at all with this" she said. "Oh great, thanks Hinata I'll find a way," the blonde says. "Ok bye Naruto". Naruto just waves as he goes in his car as he starts to shiver a little. He realizes he has to call Sasuke and ask him to pick him up. 

  Naruto goes on his phone waiting for his ocean blue eyes to adjust to the brightness before going to his contacts and clicking Sasuke's contact he hesitates not wanting to disturb him by calling him and asking him to come get him in this cold weather. The blonde calls his boyfriend while he puts the roof of his car back on seeing it get colder than before as his shivering starts speeding up. 

 He waits as he hears the beeping and finally Sasuke answers. "Hello?" a deep voice says from the other line. "S-Sasuke" Naruto says mad for stuttering because of the coldness not getting off his body and the warmth taking over. "Naruto are you okay, what's wrong? Shouldn't you be here by now, what happened? Did someone hurt you?" Sasuke said you can hear the panic in his voice. "I'm fi-ine, just really c-cold. I'm stuck at the gas station ten minutes from your house. My gas ran out and the gas tanks were frozen. I'm stuck here. Sorry for disturbing you but can you come pick me up?

   Hinata said she would let my car stay right there and say that it's frozen and it should be able to start up tomorrow." The blonde said it was still cold, but some warmth was starting to build up in his feet. "Sure, I'll be there in ten minutes if you need to, go inside with Hinata and wait for me." The deep voice male said on the other line. "Ok Bye". Naruto said getting a bye from the other line with the beep signaling he hung up. T

 he blonde went inside still cold. "Can I wait inside? Sasuke said he's coming here in ten minutes." Naruto said, earning a nod from Hinata in return. After ten minutes of shivering still a car specifically a Lamborghini that has blue and white stripes while black surrounds it comes to the entrance of the gas station. Naruto runs out while waving bye to Hinata and running to the passenger side. The blonde quickly opens the door and throws himself inside warmth immediately taking over his body and hugging his raven-haired boyfriend. While looking into his onyx eyes. "Hi." The blonde said, earning a smile in return. Sasuke drove off after Naruto put his seatbelt on. They made it to Sasuke's house. They went inside the black and blue mansion, going to bed immediately and cuddling all night long. 



Okay this is over 1,000 words. that is because I wrote this in seventh grade. And it was because my teacher wanted us to write a fanfiction. And my friend wanted me to write a chapter about my favorite characters at a gas station and I remembered this thing I did for school. She accepted this as the chapter. I revised it obviously. And I might make a part 2 because my friend wants one! But thank you guys for everything <3 Stay healthy and hydrated! Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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