You're Back?! (Fluff)

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A Little Context: Sasuke Is A Anbu Leader He Went On A Mission And Is Now Back
3rd Person POV

It was a sunny day for Konoha you could see kids playing with other kids and parents walking around the village hidden in the leaves, it was peaceful until you could hear girls squealing at a team of anbu walking through the gates of Konoha. The team was a famous team of Konoha mostly every village knew of them, A sun-kissed blonde haired boy was out on a walk at the time and heard the squealing his curiosity taking over he decides to check it out.
Narutos POV

I was walking through the village when I heard squealing my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to check it out I turn the corner to see a bunch of girls including Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka. I saw some anbu people walk through the group while the girls followed behind them, I instantly recognize the leader! 'There's no way he's back' I thought and Kurama seemed to have energy to reply back surprisingly, 'Hey kit isn't that your boyfriend or some shit' Kurama said through the link I just nodded my head hoping nobody was looking at me at the time so they didn't think I was more insane than they thought I was already. I just wave my hand as to get the anbu leaders attention he seemed to see me as he ran towards me as he waved back at his team to signal to go back to whatever they wanted to do when they got back here but didn't turn to see them and their stupid reactions of him paying attention to somebody, since they knew nothing about him at all. He just came up to me and grabbed my hand then we started walking to my apartment getting stares and whispers from people while they glared at me, I just looked down not wanting the attention.
3rd Person POV

The blonde and the anbu made it to the Uzumakis apartment, once they walked in the blonde hugged the anbu so tight the anbu couldn't speak. Naruto realized this when he looked up he instantly let go then took of the anbu mask revealing a ravenette with onyx eyes and a little smirk on his pale face. The Uzumaki then pecked the raven haired on the cheek then hugged him again softly, "I missed you Sasuke." the blonde said nuzzling his head in the crook of Sasukes neck. Sasuke hugged back carrying Naruto bridal style to the blondes bedroom onto the bed getting in and holding the blonde to his chest protectively wrapping his arms around his waist. Shortly after falling asleep.

I know another fluff I just can't help myself with the fluff I'll make an angst soon.

Sasunaru OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang