Goodbye (Angst)

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(Character Death)
(A Little Bit Of Blood)
3rd Person POV

   "Shhh...Dont say anything...Please....We're gonna be fine, We're fine!" A hoarse choked up voice was cut off by another hoarse voice, as in the middle of a desert a pool of blood in a trail behind the two figures as the one who is bleeding now on the ground crying silently, knowing hes gonna die...

  "Naruto you're fine! I'm gonna find help! We're gonna get you help and then you're gonna be healed and running around in no time!" A voice said not reassuring them both but, trying to convince them both as a pale hand traveled to the figure on the grounds cheek, cupping it. As the figures thumb caresses the tanned cheek running the thumb over the three whiskers on his cheek.

  "S...Sasuke please dont try to say things like that, we both know it's not true. I...I'm gonna die and we can't do anything about it..." The figure lying on the ground said as he sobbed even more, blood coming out of his mouth as he started coughing it up. Onyx eyes widened as the figure realized they didn't have anymore time but he didn't wanna believe it as he stood up a tanned hand reaching out to him.

  "S.....S..Sasuke it's to l..late..." The figure said through coughing blood out of his mouth and choked sobs.

  Said figure named Sasuke opened his mouth but immediately closed it not having anything to say. He sighed as he crouched back down, his body shaking a little.

  The figure smiled a little but it was a small smile it was gone as quick as it came which made Sasuke frown but quickly returned the smile.

  The figure held out one of his tanned hands and a pale hand was intertwined with his hand. As the tanned hand pulled Sasuke down with the little strength he had.

  Soft chapped lips met plush soft lips as they connected and kissed. The taste of metal from the blood was what Sasuke tasted, but he didn't care about it. Sasuke just wanted the moment to last but, in the end it would turn into a sad, sad memory in his head that is until he also died.

As they broke apart the figure chuckled weakly before opening his mouth and saying his three last words...

  "I...Love you..." He said as his eyes flutter  close forever...
Hey guys! I thought I would make atleast one more chapter and I decided on angst if you guys want anything specific just let me know! I may update from time to time if I have time but school is starting up again so that might be difficult! Stay hydrated and healthy!

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