The Field (Fluff)

722 15 1

(There 15-16)
(No Uchiha Massacre)
Naruto's POV

I was sitting down in a grassy field with my arms behind me leaning back a little. While Sasuke Uchiha, my boyfriend had his head in my lap while his left hand was on his forehead his right hand on his stomach. We were taking a break in the field with some friends of ours consisting of Kiba Inuzuka, Sakura Haruno, Hinata Hyuga, Konohamaru Sarutobi and Moegi. We were all just sitting together in a circle like shape while some kids were running around playing tag. "You ok Naruto?" Sakura-Chan asks snapping me out of my thoughts, I look around to see everybody's eyes on me. "Huh-yea I'm fine don't worry about me!" I stated as I laugh awkwardly by the atmosphere, Sasuke just looks up at me wondering if I'm ok as I see the worry in his eyes. I just give him a genuine smile signaling I'm fine...
Sasuke's POV

I look at Naruto again and slowly get up, he seems to take notice that I'm about to do something I quickly switch our positions him being sat in my lap while I'm sitting where he just was a few seconds ago with my hands wrapped around his waist protectively. He just giggles and turns his body to have his back face the group, he just looks at me confused for a second until I give him a signal to look to the left. As soon as he looks to the left he panics because he sees Chad (Idk who I should've put here so we're gonna use chad he's a bitch btw.)
staring at him, I put my hand on his cheek and avert his attention from Chad to me so he calms down knowing I'm here with him.
Naruto's POV

I was walking with Sakura and Hinata when a random guy comes up to us, "Yo I'm Chad, are you wi-fi because I'm totally feeling a connection." He says trying to 'flirt' with me I just cringe and see Sakura and Hinata start getting over protective of me like always...
He starts getting closer to me snaking his arm around my waist I was to shocked to do anything but Sakura-Chan had something to say about it as she punched him into a wall of a building. "Take that bitch don't ever touch Naruto ever again!" She exclaims as she grabs me and Hinata's hands and walk away. She takes us to Sasuke and explains to him what happened after that he wraps his arms around my waist protectively while she and Hinata leave to go hang out with Ino probably...
Flashback Ends
Naruto's POV

After a while Sasuke takes me to our black and white house setting me on our black and orange bed and soon getting in with me. He wraps his arms around my waist while I wrap one around his neck and one on his chest, we soon slowly fall asleep our last words for the nightfall being "I love you..."

Another oneshot and fluff I'll maybe do a angst maybe it depends. Remember stay hydrated and healthy!

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