Winter (Angst)

362 7 4

(Modern AU)
(Sakura Is A Bitch)
(Blood Mentions)
3rd Person POV

   A blonde was playing with the snow outside his and his boyfriend's mansion as his boyfriend Sasuke Uchiha was just chuckling while his blonde boyfriend Naruto Uzumaki was being childish. "You're being so childish Naru." The ravenette says looking at his ocean blue eyes. "You're so mean!!!" The blonde states pouting, Sasuke just rolls his eyes and walks inside probably to go make hot chocolate for the two of them when Naruto comes inside their household.
Naruto's POV

    As I stare at Sasuke walking away I can't help but feel somebody watching me.... 'Creepy.' I thought as a twig snapping snaps me out of my thoughts I look over to see nothing just plain silence, Sasuke is probably already inside waiting for me I might as well go in there now plus I'm getting cold. I notice I start shivering so I get up and start to turn around but somebody covers my mouth and holds me down they start walking to the frozen lake behind our house but part of it isn't frozen.... 'Oh no.' I thought as I try to get out of their grip or scream but it doesn't work their grip just gets tighter and starts becoming painful. I let out a painful whimper seeing blood dripping down from my arm. We make it to the lake and they throw me in I  turn around in the cold water slowly seeing pink hair remembering only one person I know that doesn't like me is... 'SAKURA!' This bitch just because I stole her Manz when he wasn't hers in the first place smh. (Joking that's not what he's thinking)
She's jealous because I'm with Sasuke... I try to swim up but the drift under the ice gets me and I soon find it harder to breathe and my lungs close up as my vision gets blurry and finally my eyes close my final breathe, my final thought is 'Sasuke, I love you...'
Sasuke's POV

    Naruto's been out there for a while I'm gonna go see if he's okay... As I go check I see a blood trail in the snow... 'Fuck is he okay?!' I thought as I quickly follow the trail and it leads to an unfrozen part in the lake I poke my head in and see Naruto's frozen body... 'Oh no don't tell me he's dead...' I thought as he comes towards me by the drift and I immediately grab him and pull him up. I feel his pulse it's gone, he's dead I can't do anything I have to let him go... I just close my eyes as tears start forming, 'I love you Naruto' as I carry his body to the front of the house I see pink strands of hair on his wet damp clothes, 'That Bitch Sakura...' She will pay I thought as I smirk but tears are still streaming down my face...
I don't know why I don't find this sad but I guess it just didn't have to much stuff but here's some angst! Remember stay hydrated and healthy!

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