Thunderstorm (Angst/Fluff)

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Modern AU

3rd Person POV

It was a rainy night, everybody in their houses except you can see a sun-kissed blonde in the rain walking around silently crying.
Naruto's POV

I was walking in the rain while it was thundering because me and Sasuke, my boyfriend got into a fight over me being out to late he thinks I'm cheating on him when I'm actually going to hang out with Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Temari and Tenten.
Naruto's POV

I was walking into the front door of my shared mansion with my boyfriend Sasuke Uchiha, I just got back from being with the girls hanging out for a little ice cream and gossiping like we always do. When I meet Sasukes cold onyx eyes giving me a glare. I stare at him confused he finally speaks up after a few seconds "Where'd you go Naruto?" He says I reply with "I was out. Why?" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GO OUT EVERY SINGLE NIGHT AND DONT TELL ME WHERE YOU'RE GOING?!!" He yells I flinch at the yelling. "I-I'm sorry?" I reply with hesitantly. He just storms away, I walk out of the house needing to be alone...
Flashback Ends
Naruto's POV

And that's what happened and how I ended up here crying, silently.
Sasuke's POV

It's been a few hours I know Naruto left but he should be back by now! I put my shoes on and a coat while running outside to find my sun-kissed blonde boyfriend. After a few minutes I find him shivering 'God dammit.' I think noticing he doesn't have a coat I take off my coat then speed walk over to him, I put it over his shoulders "Sorry Naruto I'm just mad I guess I get it if you don't wanna tell me just please let's go back home, you'll get sick if you stay out here any longer!" I stated.
He looks at me and nods signaling he's also sorry and he'll tell me later. We walk back in the house he goes to shower while I get him some warm milk. He comes down after 10 minutes in the shower, his hair damped. He sits on the couch I hand him the warm milk and he takes it, I then sit next to him holding him. "I go out w-with the girls at night for ice cream and to 'gossip'." He says stuttering a little from being cold I get up and go get blankets I wrap him in them and then hug him. We spent the rest of the night cuddling.

That's another fluff ending I may be obsessed with fluff. I wanted to do a thunderstorm oneshot and a lot of people make them the same with one being scared of thunder so I changed mine up.

Sasunaru Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن