A Bully (Angst)

512 7 0

(Modern AU)
(Sasuke Is A Bitch)
(Their 15-16)
(Blood Mentions)
Naruto's POV

I woke up in my apartment on my crappy ass bed. I live on the bad side of Konoha, where there's bad people, graffiti everywhere on every building and drug dealers. I got up and got dressed in a orange hoodie and black jeans with black sneakers. I went to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth, as I was done I walked to my kitchen and grabbed some stale cereal. After that I put the bowl in the sink and started on to school...
When He Got To School
Naruto's POV

As soon as I got to school I darted to my locker unlocking it quickly not wanting to see my childhood bully Sasuke... He always make's me sad or mad. I close my locker with my things in hand but when I turn around Sasuke is smirking at me. 'Oh no...' I thought as Sasuke slams me into my locker door I just sighed as he slapped me. I was used to this so it didn't bother me. Soon the bell for first period rang and he just punched me one more time and then walked to P.E., we both have every single class together so I have to deal with him for more then four hours. I walk in the same direction as he does changing my clothes in the boys locker room, when I walk out Mr.Guy just scolds me for being late even though Sasuke was also late but he's perfect so it doesn't matter...
Sasuke's POV

I have a secret... I like Naruto. Yes Uzumaki Naruto the one I bully but I do it because I don't want anybody to know I like him because then I'll get made fun of and I'm an Uchiha for goodness sake! I have Uchiha pride I have to deal with that. Everybody thinks I have this Uchiha pride shit, I'm the last Uchiha other then Him... so I have to represent my family's name!
After School
Sasuke's POV

As school ends I see Naruto heading to the bad side of town where all the drug dealers hang out... 'Does he live over there?!' I think as Sakura and Ino snap me out of my thoughts asking to hang out I just shake my head no then run after Naruto... As I catch up to him or where I last saw him heading I see somebody's hand sticking out of a dark mysterious alleyway. My curiosity getting the best of me I slowly walk towards the alleyway as I peek my upper-half of my face around the corner I see 'NARUTO?!' I thought as I see the blondes body lifeless on the ground blood pouring out from underneath him as there's a stab wound and also a gunshot wound in his chest... 'Oh no' I thought as I run towards Naruto's tan lifeless body, picking it up and running to the hospital as I don't have a car nor my driver's license yet.
When He Gets There
3rd Person POV

The ravenette walks through the hospital automatic doors and screams for help a nurse that's at the receptionist counter runs over to him calling for doctors and other nurses for help. They take the sun-kissed blonde away from him as he walks to the waiting area after telling a nurse what happened, he starts sobbing uncontrollably but soon calms down when a doctor comes up to him a few hours later. "Is he ok?!" The Uchiha asks worriedly. The doctor just turns into Naruto somehow and slices Sasuke's throat...
Sasuke's POV

My eyes shoot open as I scream and grasp onto my chest where my heart is located, my eyes adjust to the dark bedroom as I look at my clock seeing it's 1:25 AM. I just drift back to sleep waking up when it's time for school again, I walk to school as if I just had a nightmare of Naruto dying but when I arrive everybody just stares at me with sad or worried eyes. I just look at them confused until Sakura comes up to me and asks if I'm ok after finding Naruto's dead body... 'It wasn't a nightmare...' I thought as I just nod and run to the cemetery and walk to see if I could find his gravestone... after a while I find it my vision starts getting blurry as I see blood trickling down from my neck and there's pain in my throat. Soon my vision just goes black and I wake up in the same clothes as that day... everything's repeating...
My thinking process was it's kinda scary knowing things repeat and keep repeating like what ghost do like it just repeats what they do after they die, so I just was like that's how this is gonna go anyways remember stay hydrated and healthy remember your worth it and loved in the world even if you don't think so!

Sasunaru OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant