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(F Slur Used)
(Their 29-30)
(Important A/N at end please read it before commenting some thing bad like you shouldn't use/say the f slur unless part of the lgbtq+ community!)
Naruto's POV

As I walk in through mine and my shared husbands front door I hear two faint voices coming from down the hall... 'Does Sasuke have guests over?' I thought as I slowly make my way towards the door the noise is coming from I realize it's our bedroom door and it's a female and Sasuke... 'Why is the female moaning?' I thought as I open the door to see Sasuke on top of the girl naked as she was too.

Tears start brimming my eyelids as I realize it's not just any female he chose to cheat on me with its Sakura! They both turn their heads to look at me. Their eyes go wide-eyes as I stare into both their eyes looking back and forth between them. All the tears I tried to hold in start pouring down my face like it's fucking raining outside. "Naruto let me explain!" Sasuke shouts getting up naked still but I just shake my head running out of the house. I hear a faint shout of "Run faggot Sasuke never liked a faggot like you. You disgusting gay fag!" That was Sakura... 'I need to go to somewhere he won't find me at.' I thought as I hear him slowly but surely almost catch up to me but I throw a stick on the ground in front of him but he was to late as he face planted into the ground. I just giggle a little knowing he deserved it. I continue running though never stopping even though I feel like my legs will give out on me any second. I make it to the most unexpected place. Kiba's house, him and Kankuro are married actually and have an adopted kid named Ash they are non-binary! Everybody supports them too which I find wonderful. I knock on the door not expecting an answer as it's 11 PM at night I work late so that's why I got home late. But to my surprise Kiba answers the door immediately he sees my red puffy eyes and drags me inside shutting the door behind us. Kankuro walks down the stairs and comes to comfort me as well. Soon Ash comes down asking about all the ruckus but immediately shuts up seeing me looking all vulnerable...

"Naruto what happened? Why are you crying?" Kiba asks me I explain to him what happened as I look up to see all of them having angry expressions I just giggle they look stupid. They seem to catch up on why I'm laughing as we all soon laugh together which makes me smile and laugh more. Forgetting about what happened with Sasuke even though I have to deal with him tomorrow. My mood soon changed as they leave telling me I can take the guest room and stay for as long as needed. I walk to the guest room as it's soundproof like all the rooms, I start sobbing loudly knowing they can't hear me. I stay up all night bawling my eyes out and I don't eat the food they make me they try to cheer me up but it doesn't work.

Nothing will I'm broken without Sasuke and he cheated on me. I have nobody now, I have friends I understand that but Sasuke was- is my husband...
Angst like I said I would do. Anyways on a serious note I'm Bisexual I can say the f slur! So don't get bitchy about it. Because I will simply ignore you because that means you didn't read the A/N if you say bitchy shit or you don't care. Remember stay hydrated and healthy.

Sasunaru OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora