98. Wish

14 2 0

As Lucette had scampered out of the room earlier, Corvus stayed in her bed, as he had no reason to head back downstairs. As he looked at his hand, he started flexing it. He hoped that he had managed to keep his emotions in check and not let them overload so much, as the last thing he wanted was for Ichthys to eavesdrop on his emotions. Corvus thought that somethings should be left private. Laying back down, with his head on the pillow, he noticed that he could still smell her. Her scent was all over the room, as always, but it was most noticeable in the bed. That made the most sense, and it was usually the reason why he couldn't stand actually sleeping in her bed. Her scent was overpowering here but, if he was going head first with everything, he might as well indulge. However, it should be easier for him to stay away from this bed, or else this would surely kill him. Maybe not in the 'dead' sense, but in another way that even he wasn't sure of. But he knew something might happen. As he lay there, he could feel his eyelids drooping and, before long, he welcomed in sleep.

Corvus awoke after a bit, slightly confused as to where he was, but he figured it out. Realising that he fell asleep, he moved and, as he got out of bed, his usual clothes reappeared in an instant. Hearing vague voices coming from downstairs, he made his way down there.

From the bottom of the stairs, he could see both Ichthys and Eros. Smirking slightly, he knew that mutt was by the door earlier, and he may have taken it a little far, but the effect would have been the same either way. Eventually, Ichthys noticed that Corvus was there, and waved him down. Eros looked in his direction and, from his expression, there was something there, but he was hiding it. In a way, that kind of annoyed him, he wanted some sort of reaction at least. Sighing, he walked over to them.

"What are you doing?" Looking down, he saw what they were gathering around. That red headed girl seemed to be asleep on the sofa, with a blanket on her.

"She passed out, so we've been keeping an eye on her, but, honestly, she seems to be fast asleep." Ichthys replied, as he poked her cheek.

"Mai will be fine." Eros commented.

"If you say so...." Ichthys moved back.

"By the way....." Corvus spoke up. "Where is she?"

"She? You don't even refer her by her name?" Eros looked at him, with an annoyed look. "What a lovely relationship you have...."

Well, there was a reaction, but it was not the reaction that Corvus actually wanted.

"Eh? What are you talking about?" Ichthys questioned, as he stood up and brushed himself off.

"That he...." Eros pointed in Corvus' direction. "And Luce are in a relationship, and that arse doesn't even refer to her by her own name!"

"Wait, how do you know?" Ichthys questioned him.

"Luce basically told me."

"Anything else?" Ichthys shifted on the balls of his feet.

"A few things, but nothing serious."

"Oh, okay...."

"Heh...." Corvus scoffed. From what he could guess, she did only tell Eros about their relationship, but skipped over the fact that his brother was in the picture too. Corvus had an urge to even say something about that, but he decided against it. It wasn't his thing to tell, even if he had a need to even mention it.

"But my point still stands...." Eros folded his arms in annoyance. "Not once have I ever heard you say her name."

"Why do I need to say her name?"

"Gah! I really do detest you!" Eros rolled his eyes in sheer annoyance. "I don't even know what she even sees in you!"

"Maybe...." Corvus started to smirk. "It's got to do with the thing you so lovingly overheard earlier...."

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