103. A Peaceful Day

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A/N - Wee bit of lime at the end

The following day, Lucette stirred from her sleep. As she opened her eyes, she was met with the view of Ichthys faced down in the bed. Regarding it as normal, she rolled over and was met with Corvus, who was laying on her other side. Oh, right. They did 'that' before they went to sleep last night. She wasn't even sure of what time they even managed to get to sleep. Rolling onto her back, she stared up at the ceiling. There was not much that she could do without waking at least one of them up. She then thought that maybe it was just best to go back to sleep? Rolling over on her side again, she was met with Corvus' sleeping face again. Closing her eyes, she thought that it might be best to sleep. It's not like she does anything else here. But, as she continued to lay there, a knock came from the door, and when she felt movement in front of her, she was alerted to the fact that Corvus rose first. When she heard the sound of the door opening and a trolley heading their way, she guessed that it was Alistair again.

"Greetings, Master Corvus." Alistair said, in a hushed voice. "Is the lady still asleep?"

"It seems so...."

"And Master Ichthys too?"

"Do you even need to ask that?"

"That is true. But when the lady does rise, I have brought food. Give her my best regards."

The sound of footsteps retreating and a door closing meant that Alistair had left the room. As she was about to say that she was awake, she felt the softest touch on her face that she's probably ever felt. It was like the person touching her cheek was touching a premature baby. The light touching didn't stop and it then started to move towards her hair.

"Te semper et in perpetuum amabo....."

Wait, it was that language again. Then, feeling fingers go through her hair, that part of the bed became lighter, like someone just got off it. Lucette then opened her eyes, and hoisted herself up a little to look around the room. She saw that Corvus was nowhere in sight. As she looked behind her, she saw that Ichthys was still faced down. As she moved towards the side of the bed, she realised that she was still actually naked. As she stood up from the bed, she performed the little trick that was taught to her, and the clothes that Mrs Violet picked out for her formed around her body.

"Much better..." She whispered as she examined herself.

Lucette walked over to the trolley that Alistair left, she saw that it contained the usual tea and food under the lids. When she lifted up the lid of one of them, it revealed a full english breakfast. The smell of it went right up her nose, and it made her hungry.

"I smell...." Ichthys stirred on the bed and, as she looked up, she saw him hoist himself up from being face down. "Food!"

"Hahaha, yeah! I'm guessing that Alistair dropped it off." She knew that he did, but that was when she was pretending to sleep.

"Oooo..... Nice...." Ichthys moved from his side of the bed and moved closer to the trolley filled with food. But, as she watched him, she couldn't help averting her eyes slightly.

"Erm... Ikky?"

"Yeah?" He looked at her as he lifted a lid.

"You're still naked...."

"Eh?" He looks down to observe himself. "Ohhhh! Haha, thanks!" Ichthys then put down the lid, and clicked his own fingers and his normal outfit appeared on him. "I wondered why it was a bit breezy...."

"Ah haaa."

As he lifted more lids up, to check what was on offer, he looked around the room.

"Where exactly is Covonia?"

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